Clemens Point

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Arthur and Y/N arrived to camp as they see everyone packing already.

Arthur: You go help, I'll speak with Dutch and Hosea, but be ready, I might need your help.

Y/N went over as he started packing as Alice walked to him.

Alice: Hey, what happened?

Y/N: Just a lot of commotion. I'll explain later.

Alice nods as Arthur then comes back with Charles.

Arthur: Come on, kid. 

Y/N nods as they then mounted their horses and Arthur leads them.

Charles: So where are we going?

Arthur: Finding a new spot for camp. We're packing up and moving on.

Charles: Again?

Arthur: We have to, we already pushed  our luck too far before that mess we just had in Valentine.

Charles: That didn't sound good.

Y/N: And it wasn't good.

Arthur: Killed a lot of law, and killed a lot of Cornwall's men. 

Y/N: They probably know where we are already. Are we just scouting for a new place or do you have an idea of a place.

Arthur: An area called Duberry Creek. Dutch wants us to give it a look, make sure it's clear and good place to lay low for a while.

Dutch: I've only known him for a few months, but the way he talks, I never thought he would want to head South.

Arthur: Right, and I know by now, there ain't no laying low.

Y/N: There's too many of us for that.

Arthur: And there is no way that Dutch is just gonna hide away in cave somewhere, goes against everything he stands for. That'll be admitting that we are no more that lowly criminals.

Charles: Which we are. So where does it end?

Arthur: What ends?

Charles: The moving, the running.

Arthur: Dutch, doesn't see it as running. 

Charles: Call it what you want.

Arthur: I don't know. Before, putting enough distance between you and the problem, eventually it went away, and this is a big country. But now, with this Pinkertons, better paid bounty hunters, I ain't so sure, Maybe the price on our heads got so big.

Charles: Yeah, they certainly got money behind them.

Arthur: They got Cornwall's money behind them for one.

Y/N: Which only guarantees more trouble.

A few more minutes riding, they arrived at Duberry Creek.

Charles:: Seems very open,

Arthur: Yeah, it does.

Y/N: And it doesn't seem good for the rain.

Arthur: Well, let's take a look around.

They look around until Charles spots something.

Charles: Hey, I see something over there, you see it? Someone on the ground.

They head over to

They head over to the body as they dismount and inspect it.

Charles: He's been shot. Lets be careful.

Dead Eye Shot  (Red Dead Redemption 2 x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now