Advertising, Saving a Magician, and an Honest mistake.

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Y/N was walking near camp as he then sees John and Hosea with a wagon filled with bottles.

Y/N: What is all of this?

Hosea: Hey, Y/N. This is moonshine. Arthur, Dutch, and Bill found it with for that sheriff, and we have plans for it.

Y/N: Selling it?

Hosea: In a way.

They then see Arthur walking to them.

Arthur: What you doing?

Hosea: Selling it back to where it came from.

Arthur: Why?

Hosea: Well, I ain't have a market for it. They made it, they must have someone to sell it to. Stuff looks kind of lonely out here. I think I'll cut ourselves a deal.

Arthur: Ah, I get you.

Hosea: You and Dutch was doing your duty when you requisitioned it. Now I'm doing mine.

Y/N: Hey, Hosea, can I come?

Hosea: Sure, I don't see why not.

Hosea gets on the wagon as Y/N goes in the back and Arthur gets on and takes the reins.

John: I'll leave you fellers to it. Good luck.

Arthur then began to drive the wagon.

Hosea: Dutch told him to look into something. To do with the Braithwaite horses.

Y/N: Wait, this moonshine belongs to the Braithwaites, right? So we're selling their moonshine to them, and then plotting something against their horses?

Hosea: Basically, yes. But hopefully they won't know about it. Okay, let's head out to the Braithwaites' place. You know the way?

Arthur: Yeah, I've been there. So, what exactly are we doing? This is the moonshine we took after blowing up the Braithwaites' still, right?

Hosea: I think the good citizens taking the trouble to return their stolen goods deserve a reward.

Y/N: What if they know it was stolen?

Hosea: I think we might still be able to cut a deal. Look, these are two big old plantation houses and all I keep hearing is they hate each other so much they can't see past it.

Arthur: I know, I've seen it. There's a Gray a Braithwaite girl carrying a secret affair. I've been, well, helping them.

Hosea: The mind boggles. You think they are of use?

Arthur: Not sure, they don't seem to involve in the rest of it, but maybe.

Hosea: Well, I'm sure there is money in here for us somewhere, if we can get it in the middle of it.

After a few minutes they arrive to the Braithwaite manor.

Arthur: Here we are.

Hosea: Modest little homestead, isn't it?

A couple of guards then approached them.

Hosea: Hello, gentlemen. How are you?

Guard: What's that on the back there?

Hosea: Moonshine, my fine fellow. May I have a word with the man of the house?

Guard: The "man" of the house is a lady. Mrs. Catherine Braithwaite.

Hosea: May I speak with her? I want to discuss a business opportunity. I mean no harm... no harm at all. you may happily shoot me if I do. 

Guard: Okay... okay. She's at the house.

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