17th February

300 6 3

Named it so cause I didn't have any good name ideas for the chapter. I guess I'm just going to make it an normal day in the pups life this time. Maybe an recuse call or two. One at night one at day..

Skye's side of Story
As Marshall and Chase always hangs out I get more and more jealous off that clutz, CHASE IS MINE. That's the last thing he said, or alike something of that. I didn't do anything, but he sure is protecting Chase. Away from innocent little me. Going around Chase when he's there is no needing. He would just knit and glare deathly at me. I don't why Chase haven't been trying to talk to me either after that. I'm sure he's just afraid I hate him, but that's not the reason. Tonight I'm talking to him, either way what. Chase is supposed to be mine and only mine. Just like what that idiot said.

Chase's side of Story
As I see Skye's expression I assume nothing good is going to happen to either me or Marshall. I collect things together in my brain and realize they take in hate about each other everyday, this way can't we have it. They have to teamwork someday, become one. Just like me and Marshall did. The thoughts off our dreamily nights make me blush, either way that's what Zuma says.

"Who's on the mind?" Rubble asked.
"Uh.. none", I lied. "Just everything is fine."

"Mhm. Skye? Isn't it!" Rocky said.

They could believe that, so I don't reply. Better them thinking I'm into Skye than I'm with Marshall, still they would try to bring me and Skye closer. I shakes myself.

"Well Wocky is taken. Wubble doesn't have minds on you. And not do I. That leaves either Skye or Mawsahall", Zuma said.

"WHOS it? Skye or Marshall?" Rocky said excitedly.

"I am not going to tell", I said and then walked off.

"He sure crushes on Marshall. He's such an gay fan", Rubble said.

"True. That doesn't- Marshall isn't taken though. Is he?" Rocky asked.

The other two shakes their heads. No, Marshall isn't. He's an cute pup, nice, always caring, protective. Scary? No not at all. Hah, he wouldn't never.

Back with Chase.

As I lay down inside my pup house I hear some sounds of someone searching for something. Great, what now else Rocky. Get your things together in that Trashcan.

"I can't be this mean to my friends. I cannot think alike this. I'm just.. tried", I yawned and went to sleep.

Marshall's side of Story
I headed towards Chase's place. I heard Rocky scramble for something in his pup house. Maybe for him and Zuma to do. Eventually, he had everything inside his pup house. I didn't get how he had space to even sleep there. What if he didn't sleep in there? What Ryder slept with him inside? This sounded wrong. Extremely wrong. Well, I'm always sleeping with my Chase toy. The teddy bear he got me one day earlier. What an amazing night.

"Marshall! Now that your on your own. I am only Chase's and you cannot control me! You b*tch!" Skye shouted. "And Chase belongs to me! He's not yours!"

I death glared her, I felt how the pressure of my demon side came my back and it was not far away to activate. She babbled on.


Probably getting everyone's attention. She squeaked and whined, she's scared. I noticed myself, my voice had turned into dark deep tone. She curled her way up and I sighed.

"I didn't mean to. It's that I don't like people talking about what is mine. And say it "belongs" to them", I growled.

"Y-you didn't h-h-have to", Skye whined.

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