Lady wifi reaction

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[scene: My universal theatre]

Everyone was in their sets getting ready for Lady Wifi, as Marinette and Nino was cheering up Alya and making sure she alright.

Me: Alright. You all ready?

Everyone: Ready as we will be.

Me: Alya are you ready.

Alya: Yeah I'm ready.

Me: Alright just making sure.

[scene: the school]

In the classroom Alya opens a book with a new article and picture of Ladybug

Mrs. Bustier: I'm pleased with your assignments. Some of you have stepped up. I do appreciate it.

Alya cuts a hole in the image, where the face should be and look through it around the classroom

Adrien: Alya trying to figure out who ladybug is.

Alya: Now I know she's my best friend

Mrs. Bustier: Let's move on to the next assignment.

Mrs. Bustier looks at Alya then Alya puts the picture down as everyone who was present is now looking at her, she puts the image away.

Mrs. Bustier: Is Marinette still in the girl's room?

Alya: I don't know, Miss.

Alya: I do now, she is off doing hero work with her team

Mrs. Bustier: does anyone know where her brother is as well?

Alix: Both me and Ivan know Mrs.

Marinette: well what my other self's brother excuse for not being there.

Ivan: Yeah (Y/n) said he's got some delivery's to make.

Marinette: Yeah considering what he does outside of hero work that we seen before, that is a very good excuse

Ivan: Yeah and it looks like we know about it.

Alix: seems like it.

(bell rings) everyone starts leaving

Mrs. Bustier: I want you to read chapter three of "France: The First Thousand Years". Then answer this simple questionnaire. (Looks at Alya) See to it that Marinette receives it. (Alya nods) Also Alix or Ivan can you tell (Y/n), the homework when you see him.

Alix/Ivan: Yes Mrs. Bustier.

Alya is outside of class and is phoning Marinette, but Marinette did not answer

Marinette's voicemail: It's Marinette, leave a message.

Everyone looks at Marinette

Marinette: What my other self is doing her job of protecting Paris, so she can't answer the phone.

Alya frowns and hangs up Alix has phoned (Y/n) but also went to voicemail, she hung up then went to deliver his homework. Alya looked in the ladies rest room for Marinette.

Alya: Marinette? (Closes the door)

Alya walks up to two of her classmates.

Alya: Have you seen Marinette?

Both: no

[scene change: Dupain-Cheng Bakery]

Alix walks into the the bakery and see Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng, Marinette and (Y/n)'s parents.

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