Copycat reaction

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[scene: my universal theatre]

Me: Alright everyone we are moving on to Copycat.

Adrien: I didn't like this one

Marinette: I know why.

Everyone else: Why?

Adrien: Take a guess.

Me: Moving on, ready?

Everyone: Yeah

Me: Alright.

[scene: Dupain-Cheng household]

Tikki: Invite him to the movies after all of us defeat his father.

Marinette: That's a good idea Tikki, but we have to wait until the time is right to confront Gabriel.

Tikki: That will take some time to proper for but for now we must be ready for anything.

A sound of glass breaking came from inside both Marinette and Tikki went into Marinette's bedroom. Tikki hid inside Marinette's pocket as Marinette ran down her stairs to see what smashed. When she got downstairs she was shocked to see her brothers hands has a blue with a silver tint energy around them. She lived with her brother for long enough to tell that is not his aura. His aura was a see through blue with a silver tint. This is energy is not see through. So she can tell that is not his aura but something else. Both their parents was there as well shocked to see this as well.

Marinette: That new.

Max: Well it was said that (Y/n) semblance was still changing and evolving.

Alix: True.

Marinette: What happened?

Tom: We don't know, we asked (Y/n) to use his semblance to go down to the store then when he was about to open his portal something fired out of his hand and broke the glass next to you.

Marinette looked next to her and indeed there was broken glass

Sabine: Do you think you can do it again (Y/n)?

(Y/n): I can try

(Y/n) gets another glass and put it down and told his sister to move out of the way, she did. (Y/n) moved back to where he was just standing he puts his hand out and thinks about what he just did then a blueish sound wave with a silver tint came out of his hand and broke the glass.

Max: Mmm, it seems that (Y/n) can fire some form of sound waves.

Kim: So now he can jump between dimensions and fire off sound waves. Just add more into his arsenal, what's next him seeing what you're thinking?

Nathaniel: don't jinx it Kim.

Marinette: Okay, that is new.

Tom: (Y/n) do you have any idea what you did?

(Y/n): well I tried to use my semblance like you said but instead that happened

Marinette: Wait then does that mean you're semblance is changing?

(Y/n): On Remnant, your semblance don't change it just gets stronger and it can... evolve

Sabine: Then that mean your semblance is getting stronger and doing more things now

(Y/n): That mean I have to learn how to control my semblance again.

Marinette: Don't worry brother I will help you, let's go to where we went to help you control your semblance the first time.

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