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"There's really a mermaid in our facility," Deku muttered.

"Have you ran any tests?" Shoto said.

Eijiro shook his head. "She tells us things when she wants. We know she's hella strong."

"She had an amazing sense of smell, and hearing," Katsuki added.

"Hey, ____. Do mermaids sing like sirens?" Izuku said.

____ nodded. "Every mermaid have song."

"Can we hear it?" Denki said.

"No!" ___ exclaimed. "Never listen to mermaid song! Bad for humans."

"Bad how?"

____ paused. "Uh. Song is used to communicate with family and protect mermaid," she said slowly. "Song bad for humans. Results may vary. Last human's ears bleed! Another human become obsessed with sister and hurt her."

"That was because of her song?" Denki said.

___ nodded. "Sister be friends with human and sing to her. Human go crazy and hurt sister, then sister drown her."

"Dark," Shoto muttered.

___ looked around. "So, work?"

"Oh yea!" Denki exclaimed. "I've gotta go check on our rescue."

"I'll help," Eijiro said.

"___ help too."

"No," Katsuki said. "The animals seem to be scared of you. It'll hurt their work."

"Why don't you stay here with her Kaachan?" Deku said.

"Alright," he said. "Don't screw shit up without me." Everyone left the room and ___ spun in her chair.

"Put your shirt on," Katsuki said as he handed ___ the shirt. She put it on and smiled at him.

"What?" Katsuki said.

"____ like spending time with Katsuki," she said.

"I like spending time with you too," he said. "But you'll need to get some clothes."


"At least get some shorts, okay? We can go shopping after work."

"Shopping?" ___ said.

Katsuki nodded. "We'll get new clothes."


Eijiro and Denki were together, feeding and treating the wounds to a rescue.

"_____ sure is something else," Eijiro said.

Denki chuckled. "You have no idea. I think, when we met, it was her first time around humans. She was," he paused. "Energetic. She didn't speak she would just nod or shake her head, and shout stuff in random languages. It was funny."

"I bet," Eijiro said. "She seems to take a liking to Katsuki. I'm not sure why."

Denki shrugged. "No clue. It was kinda funny seeing her caress him like that."

"Yeah, and she only wears his shirts. She broke the door to his room because she only sleeps with him. She got so upset when he said she wasn't normal."

"He said that? ____'s actually real sensitive."

"Yeah, I know. She said her family doesn't think she's normal either."

"Really?" Denki said. "That's so sad."

"Yeah," Eijiro said. "I wish she would talk about her family more."

"Maybe she'll tell you more if you ask."

"What if asking makes her sad?"

"Let's go find out," Denki said. Once they were finished, they went back inside where ___ and Katsuki were.

"I like spending time with you too," he said. "But you'll need to get some clothes."


"At least get some shorts, okay? We can go shopping after work."

"Shopping?" ___ said.

Katsuki nodded. "We'll get new clothes."

"But I like your clothes."

Katsuki shook his head. "You can around the apartment, but not when we go out."


"Because everyone wears clothes outside," Katsuki said with a sigh.

"You two are just adorable," Denki said.

"SHUT IT!" Katsuki exclaimed.

"Denki!" ___ exclaimed with a smile before she looked at Katsuki. "Denki and Eijiro go shopping with us?"

Katsuki rolled his eyes. "Yeah I guess."

____ smiled, and for a moment, Katsuki smiled back at her.

"Shopping? Hell yeah!" Eijiro said. "I need a new pair of sneakers."

"Or three," Denki said.

"This is why you idiots are always broke," Katsuki said with an eyeroll.

"Hey!" Denki said.

"You never wanna go shopping with us, so we've gotta take this opportunity!"

"Shopping!" ____ exclaimed excitedly. "What is shopping?"

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