Chapter One - the decision

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"25, I can't believe that I am going to be 25. I'm still mentally 14," Liam rambled on as he burst through the door to his lower east side apartment. This statement however was followed with a faint laugh and the clicking noise of the door shutting.

"It's just a number Li, it doesn't mean anything," Stated a relatively tall, blond man, whilst he placed shopping bags onto the kitchen counter.

"I know that T. But it's my high school reunion next month and I don't really know whether I'm gonna go."

"Oh well you have too,"

"And why is that Theodore?" Liam questioned jokingly, he knows that Theo hates his real name.

"Because," he paused to pull Liam in by his shirt, "I am going to my reunion too, which means that the rest of the pack will be there," he finished, placing a soft kiss to Liam's lips.

"Fine," Liam said in response, " But you are helping me put the shopping away mister Dunbar-Raeken."

Later that afternoon, Theo was stretched out on their corner suit that looked out the window of the penthouse apartment reading a book and Liam was lying with his head in Theo's lap.

"Hey Liam?"

"Yeah T," the shortened version of his already shortened name started off as a joke but Theo ended up liking it and it stuck.

"I was thinking about our conversation from the other night, and I uh- I think that we should do it."

"Sorry, you're gonna have to remind me what conversation you're talking about cause I've slept since then."

"Ya know, the one about adopting a kid."
"Oh. Oh yeah. You really want to?" Liam asked a hint of excitement or perhaps it was hope or maybe it was both in his voice as he spoke.

"Yeah, I've been thinking about it ever since and I've looked into it and there are so many kids that need a home, a family and well we can't have kids without assistance. Obviously. So, I thought why not give a home to a child who is in need of one?"

There was a moment of silence before Liam reached up and placed a loving, passionate kiss onto his husband's lips. It took Theo a second before he realised he was being kissed before he kissed Liam back just as passionately and with all the love he has.

"I'll take that as a yes then," Theo exclaimed breathlessly once they had pulled apart.

A couple of days had passed since the couple made the decision to grow their family. Since then, they have both been kept busy with work and when they weren't working, they were busy researching foster care and adoption as well as looking at all the adoption websites that they could find for the New York area.
Now they were both huddled around their laptop, sitting on stools at the island in their kitchen and they were looking at the adoption website again. This time they both froze and looked at one another. There was a statement and a date at the top of the page. It read "Foster classes start Monday June 6th" Once the initial shock had worn off, Theo picked up his phone and dialed the number for the agency to book both himself and Liam into the class.

This was it. They were on their way to becoming parents.

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