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Hi. How are you? I hope you're doing great and staying healthy. So I had an idea or a scenario is what I should say more specifically and so here it goes. I had a role play idea it's like the vampire diaries however it's not the vampire diaries. I really love that show and I love Stefan and Damon and I want to do something like that show where I use my OC Quinn. With that being said I need two people or one to please play two vampire boys. Like Stefan and Damon but they aren't Stefan and Damon but your own oc's. I will only accept face claims and I will not accept them if they are anime or drawn out. real people. I'm sorry if that's harsh but that's just the way I role play and I also want descriptive responses. If you're not descriptive please don't even bother to to respond. Now with that being said I don't expect 20 sentences but I will not respond to he walked around. That's not role playing at all. The only thing that I ask is that you're descriptive like I said, your face claims are real people but they're not Stefan and Damon but they are brothers like Stefan and Damon. Here's the thing. You can use the same people but they can't be Stefan and Damon Salvatore. You have to make if you're going to use those face claims you have to make them your own oc's but like I said they're required to be brothers and vampires but that's it. You can decide their name, the age they died, the age they are in vampire years, etc. With that being said I would kind of like them to have some of the same traits as Stefan and Damon but they don't have to.  However I do want jealousy and possessiveness. I want your oc's to sort of have some of Damon and Stefan's traits but they aren't Damon and Stefan Salvatore even if you use the same face claims. Please pm me or comment here if you're interested. Thank you. I appreciate it.

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