"Sup bro," my bestfriend Oli says in his thick amazing British accent.
"Not much man I gotta say your school is a shit ton different than mine."
"Haha maybe you'll have to take me back with you then."
"Im not sure bro this place isn't all that bad, the people are shit but other than that its cool, and I don't want you to have to leave your band."
He turns to me and says, "I know my band just formed and all, but one of our members dipped, and I was wondering if you could take his place. Ive been listening to some of your screams on that mic of yours."
I'm overjoyed to hear this news! Im glad to join his band especially since they are all talented! I turn to him and ask, "do you have an idea for a name yet?
"Er, umm, not yet but Im sure it'll come to us naturally."
The bell rings to go to class so I quickly turn to him and say, "see you after school bro, can't wait to hear about the band!"
After school I take the bus home to find my mom looking through my stuff.
"What the hell are you doing looking through my room when I didn't even give you permission!" I say, as im blistering hot with anger.
She turns to me and says, "If you dont quit hanging out with Oliver then I'm taking us all back to America, and you won't have a say in it! He does drugs and he plays that satanic music!"
"It's not fucking satanic if you would actually listen to the lyrics then you would understand! But no you have to believe that just because it's heavy and there is screaming involved that you have to think its satanic! There is no Satan anyways!"
My mom gives me a puzzled look and says, "You've always told me that you're Christian?"
"I'm atheist and it's as simple as that. I only told you I'm Christian because I can never make you happy."
She gets angry again and screams, "Get out of my house! I don't want to see you here again!"
I run and grab my clothes and throw them into my backpack, and I grab my microphone and speaker and hurry out the house. I've been tired of her judging me for so long anyways.