Chapter 3

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"Thank you but could you please tell me why you're here?"
"We wish to give you this letter, and to tell you that you're a wizard Harry"
"Good to know" Harry said quietly while reading the letter. Minerva and Severus looked at each other.
"First of all, I thank you for explaining some strange things that happened in the past. I understand that you invited me to you're school but are there other schools?"

They where taken aback. It was Snape that answered this time.
"Yes there are three others principally, Durmstrang in Bulgaria, Beauxbatons in France and Ivelmorny in America."
"I understand. I'll attend yours then, I have no intensions of going abroad."
"Very well then, I'll take you to buy your things, Severus has something to do."
"Could you please tell me where to go? I prefer to go by myself."

"Ah, I understand" Minerva said embarrassed "I need to tell you something first, you see... There was a long war in our world when you where born, against He-who-must-not-be-named. You could say that he was a tyrant trying to take over the world. He wanted to kill all non magical people and magical people who where born from them. You see, you're mother was a muggle born, a muggle is a non magical person. You're father was a pure blood instead, therefore you're a halfblood. The 31st of October 1981 You-know-who attacked your home, your parents unfortunately didn't survive but you did. He actually tried to kill you but by some miracle you defeated him"

"Aaalright... So I supposedly destroyed this guy but please tell me I'm not venerated or something"
Snape was exceptionally pleased, the brat wasn't a dunderhead at least... still a Potter though.
"Yes... well, you're very famous in our world..." Minerva said uncertainly.
"Amazing! So happy!" Harry said sarcastically, distaste written in his face.
"Well Harry... We leave you here then, this are the instructions to get to Diagon Alley and to the Platform."
"Thank you for your help professors"
"You are welcome mister Potter"

When the professors left Harry went to his room to change into something better looking. He went to see Annabella and told her about accepting an invitation to a boarding school. He asked her if she could give him a lift to London and she happily agreed. When she enquired him about the money he would use he told her that his parents left him some money for his schooling.

Harry went to Diagon Alley and sincerely? He thought that it was boring, he did not know why but no one knew him. He did wish not to be seen though. He still had a lot to know so he went to the book shop first, then Ollivander's, Madam Malking's and other shops.
He also found out that he was filthy rich, not that he cared much. He could buy whatever he wanted and that was useful.

At the end of the day he got all his school things, around 70 books, a beautiful three compartment oak truck with an expanded library, and a beautiful white owl that was the only one not boring. He named her Hedwig.

He spent the rest of the summer studying his books, he went back to Diagon Alley a couple of times to get some clothes and books.
All in all a regular summer for Harry.

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