Chapter 6

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After Dumbledore tried to make people sing the school song with little success, he made a speech that Harry found boring.
"You're thinking about how boring he is, aren't you?" Luna whispered. Harry hummed to confirm her assumption.
"... Also the third corridor is off limits to everyone if you don't want to meet a painful death. Off you go to bed! First years follow your prefects". Everyone looked at him waiting for him to say it was some joke or something.
"I don't see anyone moving" Dumbledore said.

Harry followed his perfects, Luna walking beside him. He was memorising the portraits instead of trying to memorise the corridors as they looked alike. When the arrived outside their dorm, the prefects explained how they would have to answer a riddle to get in. How interesting. Harry was sure that Bott would be left outside a lot.

They got into the common room and saw the massive library. Harry was starting to like this place. The prefects explained some basic rules as well as saying that they would present themselves to the house. Right there.
They went in alphabetical order. Harry was very interested in Luna's presentation. Apparently she was an orphan too, her mother deceased during a spell crafting experiment.

"Harry Potter please introduce yourself" the 5th year prefect said, giving him a smile.
"I"m Harry Potter and I'm 11 years old. I was raised in the muggle world in a orphanage and found out about the magical world on my birthday like the other muggle raised kids. I like reading and studying but I also like sports. I practiced a lot of muggle sports like football and rugby. I also dance. I don't like being bored so I try to be entertained. I also find interesting everything different from what I am and what I know."

"Thank you for sharing with us. Just know that, like others, you have plenty of people here that would open their houses to you."
"Thank you for your concern, I'll keep that in mind. But don't worry, I'm perfectly fine where I live, I also would never leave the other kids alone as I'm the oldest."
"Ah! We understand, just know that we are here for you" A girl said. Cho Cin? Was it? Harry did understand that she was trying to flirt with him. How boring.
"I will ask for help if I need it but definitely not to a girl who looks at an eleven-year-old like a piece of meat"
"Oooooh, that burns" Someone said as everyone laughed. The girl went red and tried to stutter a response.

"WELL, firsties it's time to go to sleep! Goodnight."
"Goodnight" Everyone chimed.
They weren't many so they had a room for themselves. Harry said goodnight to his year mates before going to bed.

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