Chapter 5

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Harry placed his book back in his truck and left it there as instructed. He did leave a muffin and a thank you note to the house elf who would take it.
He quickly got out, he was visible (he believed so at least) but people wouldn't recognise him as his hair covered his scar and he didn't wear glasses. It was annoying how people made money with his name. He did sue them all as well as ask for the whole profit as compensation. He received many letters that week pleading him not to and he answered all of them, reassuring them that he wouldn't ban the books as long as he received 50% of the profits. They obviously agreed. The money went to charity between Sant Mungo's and the orphanages in London.

He followed the gigantic man to the entrance and listened to Mcgonagall's speech. They passed some ghosts that Harry found interesting, he would talk to them sometime. They went into the great Hall as Harry heard the girl from before say something about the ceiling. Great, a delusional boy and a know-it-all! He listened to the hat's song and clapped politely.

"Abbott Hannah!" And so the sorting began. Harry looked intently at everyone to associate names and faces. No one was really interesting but the blond boys, Malfoy and Longbottom, a Slytherin and a Hufflepuff. He would definitely befriend Neville first thing tomorrow. The other blondie was "on watch". He probably will befriend him in some years, he seemed pretty immature while Neville simply looked insicure. He definitely thought that the blondie and the mocha skinned one where the only attractive people his age. He would see.

"Potter Harrison!" Harry walked to the stool, listening to the whispers. He sat and his eyes where covered by the hat.
"How interesting"
"I try"
"Hah! I like you kid. Now let's see. You are courageous as you always say your opinion with no fear but chivalry is definitely not a trait of yours"
"I fell insulted"
"Hahah you're a fun one! Now, you're very sensible and hard working, despite being good in many things you always try to be better but you would make someone cry every day with your boldness so Hufflepuff is out"
Harry laughed while people looked at him weirdly.

"You ARE sly, your whole existence is, you observe before taking a decision and I suggest you to go on with that way of thinking, it will take you far. You're not ambitious though and you don't want to be in politics you prefer the observation. So Slytherin is out. I think that this house will give you the space you need as a celebrity as well as 'explaining' why you're so intelligent. Better be-

The hat was lifted from his head and Harry could see that Mcgonagall was disappointed. Dumbledore's glare was burning his head.
He was happy though, he received many compliments from the hat. The Ravenclaw's seemed to wake up as they stood and cheered for their new addition.
"WE DIDN'T GET POTTER?!?!?!" The twin red heads said from the red table dramatically. Harry liked them already but he would wait.

He sat next to a blond girl who looked a bit strange. She seemed the most interesting from that table. She was Lovergood, Mcgonagall said that she's a year younger than him but she did a test to get in a year before and she passed it.
"I'm Harry pleased to meet you"
"Luna, the pleasure is mine. You know, the old man is full of nargles and he seems to wish for Walcksprusts to attack you"
Harry's eyebrows furrowed a little. "Is there a way to be protected from them?"
Luna smiled dreamily at him and gave him one of her bracelets. Harry could see that runes where engraved on it. He wore it, hoping that however the old man was *cough*Dumbledore*cough* wouldn't get what he wanted.

"Thank you for the gift Luna I appreciate it. Do you wish to be my friend?"
"You know Alastair is right you're very bold. And yes, you're my first friend." She said with a smile.
Just as he was about to ask who Alastair was, Dumbledore stood saying some words Harry was going to search and food appeared everywhere.

He took some chicken, potatoes and other vegetables but not broccolis. He hated them.
"Never saw a kid taking vegetables by himself" An older boy said playfully.
"What can I say. I eat all vegetables but broccoli."
"You're insane" Bott was it? He was looking badly at Harry since he was sorted. Hating people without a reason, how did he get in the house of wit?
"Or a healthy person" Harry said simply. Some snickered while others looked at him with surprise.

Apparently they didn't expect him to be like this and definitely not in their house. They where in for a surprise.

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