Chapter 19

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I didn't need to worry about that Hunter if he gets killed by the Warriors since they are only assigned to Protect the Packs and not look for trouble, In case some Hunters Decides to back down.

But Rogues. I know that they might attack him with no Hesitation, But I'm pretty sure he can Protect himself by those Guns and Knives he still have.

And it's also a Good thing that he only have an Injury in the Shoulder. He was the one in the middle so it didn't hurt him too bad.

I'm only Worried about his Family who is waiting for him back home. I linked the Warriors to not attack the Man I showed them, Picturing him in my mind and sending it to them. Yes, We can do that.

But of course, Not to attack if the Man didn't attack, I also told them that it is because I gave him a Second chance which is also the last.

I saw my father still seating on the same tree I left him, I sigh in relief and landed swiftly on the Trunk. I held my hand out for him to take.

"Let's go, Dad." I said, Smiling. He looked at me, Stunned and Surprised by what I just called him with. I ignored it when he took my hand.

I soar through the sky, Holding my father's hand tightly. I kinda like flying more than being on the Ground. The wind hitting my skin was much more Refreshing than when it is in the Ground. It's very Peaceful.

"You.. know? How?" I heard my father ask. I stayed silent, Not knowing what to say. Should I say that my Mother which is his Real Mate is still alive and had told me everything? That might sound creepy to him, Even though he would be happy to know she is alive. Like she had woken up from the Dead.

When I didn't answered, He just stayed silent. Sighing, I just focused on the Ground, Trying to spot if there are any signs of Hunters.

The Hunter that I spared said that there are 68 of them, Including him and the other three I just killed.

Since I killed the two, Spared one and also killed one of them and 7 more Hunters.. That means there are 56 more Hunters to go.

And I'll also find the Leader who is behind this.

I shivered when I heard shouting and screaming not far away from here. Battle. I can sense a Battle is happening.

I again landed my Father on top of a Tree and told him to stay there until I come back. Even though he is a Powerful Alpha, I still can't risk his life with those Hunters.

I can't use my Protection Powers on him since it also has a Limit, I just don't know what Limit. So I have to be careful, It might also lessen my own Protection by 1 or 2 Percent.

I again soar through the sky, Listening to where the shouts came from until I stopped just above a Pack with 3 Pack houses. It's a small Pack and they were fighting with some Hunters.

My blood began to boil when my eyes caught a few Dead bodies of Werewolves, While the Warriors which we sent to Protect the Pack were still fighting the Hunters.

There were almost 21 Hunters fighting with the Warriors we sent and 4 dead. And there were only 20 of our Warriors and almost 51 alive warriors of their Attacked pack.

But the 51 Warriors continue to lessen as they fall to the Ground, Some even tried to still stand up to fight but will fail.

I had enough and I used my wind powers to Separate the Hunters and Pack Warriors.

Then I activated my Fire powers and blasted it Continuously towards the Hunters, They all burned to the Ground, Also even damaging the trees.

While staring at their burning bodies, I took that as a time to summon some Waters towards me.

When I made sure that their bodies were already burned, I made little waters splash on the fire to stop it from spreading everywhere while summoning more Waters until all the fires were out.

I noticed everybody staring at me and I glanced at them. Tears sprung from my eyes, Looking at the Dead bodies of the Pack Warriors. There were almost 100 and more bodies on the Ground, and there were only 43 Warriors of the Pack still alive, Some had Injuries but not too Severe.

"You should Mind-link me when there is a Battle, Remember?" I asked Angrily at the Warriors. They all looked down.

"Were sorry, Luna. But we were ambushed and we didn't have time to Mind-link." One of them Explained. I growled, causing the trees to shake.

Our Warriors including the Warriors of the other Pack Suddenly kneeled when I growled. I forgot, That my growl can put pressure to the Weres when I'm angry since I have a Royal Blood.

I sighed.

"Rise." I ordered with the Tone of a Queen that my Mother thought me, They Immediately rose from the Ground and I diverted my gaze to our Warriors.

"Next time, Be careful on your Surroundings and always be Prepared." I said and flew up the Sky, Mind-linking the other Warriors about what I said to the other 20.

"Alyvia.." My Father started while I was holding him tight to avoid him from falling.

"Why were you wondering alone when there's a bunch of Hunters walking everywhere?" I asked and glanced at him before looking back at the ground.

"I was going to visit you and your Brothe.. Cousin." He said, Looking down. I heard him sighed. I tried to stop the tears that were threatening to fall from my eyes.

"We are fine, You don't have anything to worry." I said as soon as I saw the Silver Stone Pack, which was my Former pack.

I saw the 20 Warriors already guarding the whole place, When I landed on the Entrance, The four Warriors close to the Entrance which is assigned to them looked at me with a Stunned expression.

"Don't let him out." I told them with my Luna tone, They all bowed and nodded while looking down.

"You guys don't need to look down from me if you didn't do anything wrong, Raise your heads." I stated and they all Immediately looked up at me with a small smile.

"Be careful and be strong all of you, Protect him okay?" I asked and they all nodded before I took my leave and Soar through the sky, Humming the Melody since I can't sing it.

If I did and didn't take anything to control, I would attract all Elements wherever I go and it will be very Dangerous. I sighed.

25 Hunters had been killed not long ago so the Remaining hunters are 31. My face put on an Excited expression. Finally, It's almost over.

Please Remind me if there are any Mistakes. Thank you!

Hold Me Tight, Alpha Raiden. (Werewolf Series 1) (Under Editing.)Where stories live. Discover now