Chapter 14

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I couldnt do anything I couldnt move All I could do was stare at her I felt sick I can imagine my face going whiter then white.

"hiya Perrie" as soon as I heard her voice my knees got really weak and I dont know how but I managed to move and sit on the chair next to me. I was waiting for someone to pinch me and wake me up but it wasnt happening. We sat there for what seemed like hours but only turned out to be 10 minutes before anyone said anything.

"w-what.."was all I managed to get out.

"let me explain" I just stared at her.

"it started 5 years ago I w.."

"Perrie you in here I couldnt keep anyway from you any longer I want t.." Jesy said walking in freezing when she saw the scene in front of her. Shes seen pictures of Naya so she knows what she looks like. I looked up at her she looked to shocked for words....I know that feeling. A few seconds went by and Jesy looked at me and I knew she could see right through me as our eyes locked.

"I think you should go" was all Jesy looking at Naya.

"I want to explain"

"she doesnt want to hear you know what you've put her through she nearly tried killing herself when she lost you it took her 4 years to finally move on and let go and suddenly you turn up not dead and expect her to listen to what you have to say not on my watch now leave before I make you leave"

At this point tears were rollin down my face I looked up and saw Naya staring at me tears rolling down her face I didnt say anything.

"heres my number if you change your mind" she said leaving a piece of paper of the tabel and with that she got up and walked out once the door shut I couldnt hold it in anymore it finally hit me and all the pain and hurt all came crashing down and it actually felt like I was breaking worse then it was when I got told she was dead. Suddenly I felt all to familar arms wrap around me pulling me into a tight hug and I cried even more I could barely breathe. Goodness knows how long we were like that but I couldnt stop crying I didnt even realise anyone had come in.

"Perrie.." I heard Leigh-Anne and Jade shout as they ran over to me

"Jesy what the hell happened"


"wait what"

"I'll tell you later" I heard Jesy whisper to them. I dont know what I would do without her I dont think I could handle telling them what happened. They just sat next to me and tried to comfort me and slowly I started to calm down untill I let the darkness take over.


I cant believe whats just happened seeing Perrie like this is breaking my heart I've never felt pain like this but I have to be there for her. About an hour later she finally calmed down and fell asleep in my arms so I got more comfy trying not to wake her I gave her a kiss on her forehead while stroking her hair while Leigh-Anna and Jade went to make some food and drink.

"what happened"Jade asked when they came back through with the food and drink I got straight to the point.

"Naya isnt dead" you could hear a pennie drop when I said that.

"w-what" Leigh-Anne stuttered

"when we got back I went home quickly and when I came back over Perrie was sat here and Naya was sat there" I said pointing to the chair.

"thats impossible we were there when we found out she was dead" Jade said

"i-its true" we all looked down to see Perrie awake tears rolling down her cheeks.

"shhh" I coed placing another kiss on her forehead pulling her as close as I could.

"w-when I come in the door w-was open s-so I thought y-ou were in but the l-lights werent on... I c-came in turned the l-lights on and s-she..." Perrie cried not being able to finish the sentence. There was silence as Perrie cried untill she fell asleep yet again.

"I-I dont know what to say" Jade said

"what is she doing here and why would she pretend she was dead..for 4 years" Leigh-Anne asked.

"I dont know I didnt give her a chance to talk I told her to leave"

" She best have a seriously good explanation for this or so help her God" Jade said.

"Is it okay if I stay I dont want to leave her" I asked Jade

"yeah of course you dont need to ask you practically live with each other anyway" she half laughed.

"thanks" I half smiled,

"I'm gonna stay as well" Leigh-Anne stated.

"I'm gonna take her up to bed make her more comfy"

"okay if you need us you know where we are" Jade half smiled

"thanks" I slowly moved again trying not to wake Perrie up I got up and picked her up craddling her in my arms. I carried her upstairs and put her into bed I changed into one of Perries baggie tops and crawled into bed and pulled her in my arms as tight as I could. I just laid there thinking of what happened and what is going through Perries mind I cant even imagaine what shes going through right now. Seeing her like that is the most painfullest thing I have ever felt it in my life, I would give anything to make it go away or swap with her. I just laid there looking at her sleeping like an angel in my arms I would give up everything if it meant I could live the rest of my life with her.


I woke up with the sun streaming through the curtain I turned over to reach for Jesy but she wasnt there I opened my eyes and they felt heavy and sore like I had been crying..and then I remembered. I shot up my breathing getting heavier and faster I could barely breathe.

"JESY" I shouted

"JESY" within a few seconds the bedroom door flung open and Jesy came running to my side.

"Perrie breathe come on deep breaths" she soothed rubbing my back holding my hand with her free hand. I did what she said and I started to calm down.

"sh-shes alive" I said tearing filling my eyes as I looked at Jesy who nodded which caused the tears to spill over. Jesy laid next to me pulling me into a hug as I rested my head on her chest pulling our bodies as close as they could be as I let the last few tears to trickle down my face.

"why would she do this" there was no emotion in my voice.

"I dont know" we laid there in silence for a little while no matter how much pain I'm in having Jesy here is like a bandaid she makes everything more bareable and makes me feel safe.

"have you started packing yet you've only got 3 days" I said trying to change the subject.

"I'm not going anymore"

"wait what.." I said shitting up looking at her.

"no way am I leaving you now"

"Jesy please you said yourself you've always wanted to do this dont give up on your dream because of me"

"maybe I've found another dream" Jesy said looking directly into my eyes as we moved closer until our lips connected and for that split second everything disappeared all the pain and hurt.

"I love you so much Perrie"

"I love you to but please go I'll be fine its not like I'm alone or anything Ive got Jade Leigh-Anne Demi my mum and so on please you were so excited about going I'd never forgive myself if I stopped you going..its your dream"

"Perrie I'm living my dream everyday....being with you thats my dream and I'm living it" I couldnt help but blush

"no not going to work your going and thats it end of convo" she didnt say anything just smiled...we stayed there for a while just cuddling some more. I'm going to miss her so much but I love her and its what she has to do.....i'll be fine.....


Ha sorry more of a filler chapter don't hate me hahaha hope your enjoying it..... Love you all

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