Untitled Part 30

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I got in m car and drove as fast as I could, goodness knows how many driving laws I broke but I dont care. I arrived at Jesy's mums in record time but then I couldnt get out the car, what am I going to say I know I've put Jesy through hell this week and what if shes that hurt she wont see me. Perrie stop being a coward and get out the car I mentally yelled at myself. I reached in my bag and got the ring and couldnt help but let a small smile out and took a deep breath and got out the car and knocked on the door, no one answer so I knocked again then the lights in the hallway came on and my heart started beating faster, then the door opened.

"Perrie" Jesy whispered clearly shocked to see me, she looked awful and I mean that in the nicest of way, she had bags under her eyes and her eyes were bloodshot ike she hasnt sleeped in days and had been crying a lot . I was lost for words me..the one that suffers from word vomit is speechless what am I meant to say, instead I step in and grabbed Jesy pulling her to me and kissing her before she could do anything, I was shocked when she kissed me back, suddenly my whole body exploded with fireworks Icant believe I havent kissed her or touched her or seen in a week I hadnt realised how much I missed every inch of her untill just know.

"Perrie stop" Jesy said pulling away making my heart sink.

"you cant just show up here after a week, when I havent seen you or heard form you or anythng and kiss me" she said

"I know I'm sorry I just didnt know what to say...please can we talk" she sighed before letting me in. We made our way to the sofa and she sat down I wanted to sit nect to her but I didnt want to push it so I sat opposite her, it was silent for a few minutes before any of us spoke.

"I'm sorry Perrie okay what I did was wrong and a shitty thing to do you have know Idea how much I hate myself for it, but you kissed Naya Perrie, if it was any other person in Nayas shoes yeah it would have hurt but Naya is you ex finace who you still love" she said I could tell she was trying not to cry.

"yeah what you did was wrong and shitty I needed you I thought I was going to lose Naya...again and I couldnt deal with that on my own but you just walked away but I understand, but I dont regret kissing Naya" Jesy flinched like I just stabbed her in the heart, she didnt say anything so I carried on.

"I dont regret kissing her because like I said I didnt feel anything no fireworks no connection nothing and she said she didnt either which means there is nothing there between us anymore at all, I forgive you for walking away, I know i've made your life hell this week and I'm so so sorry for that but I was hurt and upset and stubborn so please forgive me" tears were rolling down her face, I got up and sat next to her and used my hand to move her head so she was facing me but her eyes were looking at the floor.

"I love you" I said causing her to look at me i used my thumb to wipe away her tears.

"why did you do it" she asked

"I can ask you the same thing"

"I was about to help but then I saw you kiss her and it felt like my heart had been ripped out my chest all I saw was you kissing her nothing else not that you needed me and Naya needed me so I left, I was so hurt and I'm so sorry Perrie"

"I forgive you okay It would kill me if I saw you kissing anyone other then me no matter what the situation, do you want to know why I kissed Naya" she just nodded.

"she asked me to and I didnt hesitate to kiss her because she was dying in my arms Jesy I thought I was going to lose her again this time for good and last time I never got to say goodbye but I had the chance to this time and I took it I had to say goodbye" I could feel the tears running down my face.

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