Chapter 9

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I finshed Betty's hair and tidied up before Jesy came over. She took her towel off her wet hair and fuck me does she look hot with wet hair. I could feel my blush as she walked over to me and kissed me before she sat down. I could feel Demi and Jade's eyes on me but I just ignored them.

"so what do I owe this pleasure" I ask Jesy as she sat down ready for me to do her hair.

"well 1 I missed you and 2 to tell you we're having dinner with my mum tonight" Jesy blurted out

"awww I missed y...wait what"

"my mum wants to meet you so I said we'd have dinner tonight" I swollowed a the lump that suddenly formed in my throat.

"thought thats what you said" I said looking at her hair avoiding eye contact.

"is that okay with you I mean I dont want to rush you I can cancel if you like" she said sensing my discomfort.

"no no its fine its just....scary thats all"

"it will be fine babe, my mum is awesome, and plus i'll be there" she smiled

"thats all I need" I smiled back

"right so what are we having done"

Later that day....

I left work after my last appointment leaving Jade and Demi to close up. The nearer the time came the more I started to feel nervous and sick.... I havent done any of this in years. Its a scary thing for me especially since I really really like Jesy and I dont want her mum or the rest of her family to hate me or anything. I got undressed and got a quick shower and got dressed I decided on my black skinny jeans with a white blouse and my red heels. I tired my hair in a neat messy bun applied a little make up. I took one last look in the mirror.

"you can do this Perrie, Deep breath" I said to myself I took a deep breath went downstairs and grabbed the bottle of wine and headed to Jesy's. We agreed that I would come and help cook tea before her mum comes.

"hey ba..Wow" Jesy said opening the door staring at me.

"I can say the same thing" I said after managing to close my mouth, she was wearing a short black pencil skirt that went just above the knee and a black crop top, her hair in perfect curls falling effortlessly down her shoulders.

"your hair looks amazing who did it" I joked

"some hot hairdresser she's so fuckable" Jesy winked I just laughed.

"seriously thoughyou look so beautiful and damn those Jeans" Jesy said biting her lip looking at my bum as I walked into her house. Fuck when she bits her lip it makes me want to take her then and there makes her look so sexy.

I started walking into the kitchen when I felt two arms around my waist making me stop. She started kissing my neck making me lean my head back onto her shoulder.

"Jesy stop your mu...fuck" she started sucking and biting on my soft spot making me moan.

"Jesy stop" I said through moans.

"my mums not going to be here for another hour" she whispered into my ear.

With that I chucked the bottle of wine on the chair and turned around and pushed Jesy on the sofa instantly straddling her connecting our lips straight away the familair spark Igniting as our lips moved in sync.

"wow" I said breathlessly

"yep"Jesy said trying to catch her breath. We laid there for a few minutes catching our breath.

"as much as I could just stare at your body for ever we need to dressed and start doing tea my mums gonna be her in like half an hour" I leaned in and connected our lips before pulling away and putting my clothes back on.

Once we got dressed we headed to the kitchen and started cooking and soon enough half an hour later there was a knock at the door, my heart started pounding and I could feel my palms getting sweaty.

"relax" Jesy said kissing me on the cheek before she went to asnwer the door.

"mum this is Perrie" Jesy beamed as her mum walked into the kitchen.

"finally a face behind the name" Jesy mum said smiling making Jesy blush.

"its nice to meet you"

"nice to meet you to Mrs Nelson"

"Janice please"

"tea wont be much longer have a glass of wine mum" Jesy said offering her mum some wine.

We talked while the tea was cooking I dont know what I was so nervous about Janice is so lovely and sweet I can see where Jesy gets it from. She's so easy to talk to and so down to earth.

"so Perrie Jesy tells me you own a hairdressers"

"yeah Jerries Hair Salon"

"really i've been meaning to go get my hair done and ive heard a lot of good things about it"

"you should come by when your free"

"yeah I will do...what got you into hairdressing anyway"

"well I've always loved hair and experimenting with it and it never went away I love it now as much as I did when I was a kid" I smiled remembering cutting and styling dolls hair really badly when I was a kid.

"How long have you had the shop.....and Jerries?"

"a few years and yeah and my best friend Jade set it up together and we combined our names and came up with that"

We talked abit more mainly her mum asking me loads of questions but I didnt mind. She did tell me a few stories about Jesy which I will have to tease her about at some point. We finished out meal and Janice left

"that wasnt to bad now was it" Jesy said pulling me into a hug

"nope" I giggled.

"she's so lovely"

"told you"

"come on lets go tidy up early start tomorrow"

We cleaned away all the plates and tidied everything else away.

"I'll see you tomorrow" I asked

"of course" Jesy smiled

"thank you for tonight it was lovely"

"no problem by babe " Jesy said grabbing my waist and pulling me towards her connecting out lips for a passionate kiss.

"goodnight Perrie"

"Goodnight Jesy" I said as I walked away.

I walked across the road instantly missing Jesy I just wish I could be with her 24/7 but I cant. Its like shes part of me and when shes not with me its hard to function. I sighed as I opened the door I noticed there was a pair of shoes in the hallway which wasnt mine or Jades but I didnt really think much of it I took mine off and went into the living room.

"Jade I'm h..."

"Perrie" Jade said jumping from the sofa

"D-demi" I stuttered not expecting two of my best friends to be making out on the sofa of the verge of having sex.


Ooohhhhhh JEMI....... Hahaha
In a way it's more of a filler chapter I promise stuff with me happening soon....if u want the next chapter to be a SMUT or ROMANTIC......

AND.....I got a scaffolding piercing if you don't no what that is its were u get a bar put thought the top part of ur eat there's a picture on my Twitter and Instagram



Thanks again for reading means a lot

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