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I didn't know what I did...but I wasn't very proud of it and I could tell that neither was Ian and Anthony...even tho the police told me I did the right thing I still felt horrible and I knew Ian Anthony and Sara are scared of me now...
I couldn't even turn around to face them...I just stabbed a girl with a knife...and it went thro her hand...and her screams can't get out of my head...guilt was eating me the fuck am I supposed to live with myself now...?
" H-Hailey..." Sara said in a low voice and walked next to me putting her hand on my shoulder ", did the right thing...even the police said so too right...?" I could definitely tell she was lying...I fucked up...i fucked up so bad...
" ...I-I..I'm gonna go now..." Without even looking back at them and without even making eye contact with anybody, I kept my head low and walked back to my house...the scene repeating in my head...what did I do...? I mean I shouldn't feel this bad she stabbed Ian and she was going to kill me and all my friends so I did the right thing...
Well my mind isn't agreeing with me on that...I fucked up and I knew it...

- 4 days later -
I woke up at 3pm and i looked over at the calendar... the 31th of December...what a great way to end a's been 4 days since I last saw them...they didn't come to see me...not a text...nor a's like I don't know them anymore...and that just made me feel worse than I already did ( if that was even possible )
Right then I saw my phone go off...I figured it was a notification for a new video or a tweet or whatever, but when I opened my phone, it was a text from Sara...
" Hey !! Sorry we haven't been talking to u much lately...we're really sorry...we understand how hard it must be for u, and now we really understand it very well...u did do the right thing Hailey, remember what she did to Ian ? She would've done the same to all of just forget about all of that and put it in the past alright ? And go get yourself a dress or something, cuz we're having a New Year's party at our house tonight and everyone's coming. U know, counting down until it's 2023 and stuff like that. it'll be fun. text me when u get this okay ? xoxo"
That text somehow made me feel better...even tho I wasn't planing on going...i texted her telling her I'm not coming but she just insisted and told me almost every Youtuber we know will be there so...I couldn't miss that...
I got up and opened my closet to see if I even had anything to wear...
I saw a little sweetheart neck skater dress that my mom gave me about 2 years ago for my birthday and I still didn't wear it yet. It was dark red and just really pretty...I think this will do...
I got in the shower and took a quick bath, then when I walked out It was already 4...I decided to go eat " breakfast " since I woke up an hour ago and still didn't eat anything...
I made myself some eggs and bacon then sat down infront of the TV and flipped thro the channels not finding anything to's so depressing to think about my life...this is everyday for me now...and I hate this...

I looked over at my phone and saw 2 texts from Sara telling me to be ready after 2 hours since it was 6 now... I don't know why she wants me to come early...I won't tho...even tho I have nothing to do...I really don't want to be early...maybe I'll get there at 10 or 10:30...yea that's good I guess
After 2 hours I saw my phone ringing "...hello ?"
" dude !!! Where the hell are u everyone is here !! Not everyone but i mean...I told u to be here by now !!" It was Sara and I could barely even hear her
" don't worry I'll be there at 10, I'm just gon-"
" no no no!! U have to come now that's way too late !!" She cut me off
" Sara I don't know what I'd be doing if I was there by now...please I'm gonna come later alright...?"
She sighed " alright...fine !! just please don't be late !! And don't u dare show up after 11 or you're dead !!"
I chuckle a bit " don't worry I won't, love you "
" love you too" she hung up and I walked back to my room to get ready...I don't have to rush it so I can take my time doing this...
I did my makeup a bit different than I always do it, kind of a winged eyeliner and very dark red lipstick for once, and I decided to add some eyeshadow, but it wasn't too much...and to my surprise, I looked badass!! I didn't do anything to my hair since it was too short, then I wore the dark wine colored dress with a think black belt around the waist and wore long knee length black socks with short combat boats, and I looked so different...simple and elegant is gone...welcome punk, badass Hailey...
I kinda like it...
I looked over at the time and it was still 9 so I decided to make some videos and stuff just to pass time.

I looked at the time 10:45 shit...I need to get there quick...
This chapter sucked...I mean this didn't have much information and stuff but I mean It kinda filled in what was going on with her and stuff and I really wanted to bring out the old Hailey c: I mean this is how her personality was when she was yea Idk it's cool 😁 oh and the dress I'm talking about is right up there c:
So...2 more chapters to go :c

Is this a dream ? ( Smosh/Ian Hecox fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now