Part 1 - I Don't Belong Here

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It all started when your caretaker at the orphanage decided to admit you to St. Finbar's boarding school.

You were one of the quiet girls, always buried in the few books that got donated, imagining yourself as the protagonists of the many worlds that the printed words would conjure.

Showing an aptitude for learning at a young age, there was no surprise that you were in the group of selected few who were to get enrolled in good institutions for education. The moment your name had been called out would definitely be one of your most memorable ones. You just had a instict that your life was gonna change for better.

There weren't many things that excited you, but St. Finbar's was something you were really looking forward to.

The skip in your step as you walked along with the rest of the group to the school wasn't exactly subtle, making Ms. Whittle, the warden, glare at you. It made you walk prim and proper but it couldn't subdue the grin on your lips.

Being told to wait outside the office, you take a seat on the bench beside a girl your age, suddenly feeling shy for some reason. You cross your legs and delicately place your hands on your thighs like you were always taught about.

So to say that you were surprised when a light chirpy voice broke the silence was an understatement.

"Are you going to start here?"

You looked at the radiant face framed by shoulder-length straight hair to check if she was indeed talking to you, replying with a polite "Yes," with a nod and a smile.

"We are too!" She enthusiastically clapped. "I am Lucy and this is Susan. What's your name?"

You subtly stole a glance at Ms. Whittle to make sure that she wasn't paying attention to you, who was quite engrossed in a hilarious debate with an office personnel. The group you had come with were standing at a window, pointing out towards something and giggling to themselves.

"My name is Y/N. Nice to meet you." You felt like your smile could never be brighter than the one Lucy was aiming at you.

"I hope you don't mind my sister. She has always been like this," Susan said with a wink. Lucy playfully punched her, making you both chuckle. "So, what year are you in?"

For the rest of the hour that it took your warden to complete the formalities for your schooling, you got to know the sisters better. They also bestowed upon you the knowledge that the seemingly popular window was because it gave an excellent view of the grounds of Henderson House Boarding School for boys, where you learnt that the brothers of your new acquaintances were also seeking admission in.

It didn't take long for you to feel like you could lower your inhibitions around them, for Lucy was so refreshingly vibrant and Susan was really sensible and gentle with everything.

Upon knowing that your orphanage wasn't too far to their home was just a cherry on the top.

Your weekly turn of going for grocery shopping was now something that you eagerly waited for as it now consisted of going for a walk in the park with Susan. A few weeks later, she started inviting you over to their house to spend time with the youngest of the four as well as with Peter and Edmund often joining you over tea.

You found something in them that you never had - friends.

The Pevensies would tell you stories of four siblings at a fictional place they called Narnia, which was looked over by a powerful lion which could also speak! Your most favourite was the one where the White Witch with powers of ice was slain to bring glory to the kingdom for years to come, with the siblings becoming Kings and Queens of Narnia.

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