ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 4

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As you walked out if Kate's cabin Simon stopped you "Oi! Y/n." You turn around and look at him "are you coming to play truth or dare its starting in like five minutes?" "Erm.. no I'm not.. thanks for the offer though" you say sarcastically "why! Is it because i said I will get the truth about who you are dating? I was only kidding.. you don't have to-" before Simon finished you interrupted him "I'm not bothered about if you know who im with or not.. it's just.. it's hard to explain." You let out with a sigh. "Oh well I mean-" simon gets interrupted again but this time it's by kate walking out her cabin and shouting "Y/N! YOU LEFT YOUR JACKET" you look at simon and walk over to kate and he follows you. "Thanks.. Kate" you smile and walk away from them. Kate looks at simon and smirked then turned her head to watch as you walk away "wait a second... hold up... is it!" Simon gasps and puts his hands on his mouth. You over hear what he says and turn back around "I CAN HEAR YOU" you shout to him as you laugh and carry on walking.

-Five Minutes Later-

You see Tommy sat down on a bench by himself and decide to walk over and sit next to him "hey dude.. are you okay? I heard about what happened." "Yeah.. im fine im just abit light headed.." he replied while rubbing the back of his head. Cindy walks around the corner and walks over to you and Tommy.
"Tommy.. babe? We have to go into nurse Lane's cabin.. just to see if she was on any sort of drugs." She says and she looks at Tommy "who gave you that stupid idea? Mary? On somthing? No she is totally possessed by the witch" you say looking at Cindy "Y/n theres no such thing.. she must have been on drugs.. that's the only explanation" Cindy says as she looks into your eyes and you just shake your head and look away "so.. Tommy? Will you come with me?" She continues "yeah babe.. just give me a second" Tommy stands up and falls back "woahhh" you say as you catch him "are you okay bud?" "Yeah im fine.. thanks" Tommy stands up properly and starts to walk to Nurse Lanes cabin "you coming or what?" Cindy asked you. You jumped up and
followed them. As you walk into the cabin there was only a dim light that was helping you guys see to look around. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" You say as you search Mary's desk. "Yes it is a good idea.. We need to make sure she was on somthing otherwise..." Cindy stops talking "otherwise what" you said curious to know "otherwise the witch might be..." cindy gose to continue before she lifts up a pot of tablets out the draw "you have to start finishing your sentences" you laugh before you see what Cindy had in her hand "What's that?" You ask her "no label.. half empty.. like i said.. she was on somthing" "let me see that" you say trying to get the pot out her hand before Cindy lifts her hand up so you can't reach "your a real-" you stop talking when you see Tommy pick up a book. "What's that?" Asked Cindy as she walked over to him "It's some sort of-" "it's a witches mark.." you say finishing his sentence. "What?" He askes in complete confusion "i came in here before to find ziggy.. i saw that book.. i thought it was some sort of devil sign.. but then it hit me. Its the witches mark." You say "witches mark? What are you talking about" Tommy said as Cindy took the book off him and started to read It "its sarah feir" you say to tommy "oh come on sarah feir ain't-" "she's right.." Cindy says and you look at Tommy and smile "I told ya" you say laughing as Cindy starts to read out loud from the book "a deal was made with the devil. Sarah feir cut of her wicked hand at Satan's stone scaring the soil beneath with the witches mark..." she said. You was about to say somthing back to her until you hear glass smash from the back of the cabin. Cindy grabbed your hand as Tommy walked to see what the smash was.

Word count 751

An unexpected turn (Cindy Berman x female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now