ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 6

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As you all run following in Arnie's footsteps you get led to a small shack with stairs going underground. "Was i the only one.. i don't know expecting a house made of candy?" Alice joked "maybe there's candy down there" Arnie laughed going along with the joke "HEY SARAH FIER! YOU GOT ANY CANDY DOWN THERE" Alice screamed causing Cindy to jump "okay we've seen enough" she sighed "okay then go back Berman but I didn't march all the way out her for nothing" Alice replied to Cindy as she grabbed a flash light and jumped down "YOU GUYS COMING OR WHAT?" Alice shouted from down there. "You don't have to ask me twice" Kate laughed jumping down followed by Arnie and Tommy. You looked at Cindy "so are you going down?" You asked her causing her to look up at you and ignoring your words. "Hey someone's been down here" Alice shouted "like recently" she finished. "If your-" you get cut off by Cindy pushing past you and jumping down. You stay still a second trying to think of what you did wrong until Kate shouted you "y/n come on what are you doing". After hearing Kate's words you decide to jump down. "Where did everyone go?" You asked Kate looking at Tommy sat on a lonely chair zoned out. "They went though here" Kate replied bringing you towards a small hole in the wall which you then crawled through with her behind you. "Thats it!" Arnie shouted as you crawled trough the hole into a room with what only could be described as a satanic symbol carved into the floor with what looked like black blood flowing through. "What?" Alice asked him confused. "L484! It's fucking Tylenol" he said laughing throwing the bottle of pills Cindy found in nurse lane's office to the other side of the room. "Are you sure" Cindy questioned picking the pills up. "Positive. Come on babe. Joan might still have some weed left if we pay her" Arnie spoke crawling back through the little hole. "Guys" Alice said which caused you all to turn you heads at her "come look at this" she finished "wait. This place... it keeps on going" Cindy spoke from the back of the room "NOW!" Alice shouted as you all decided to get up and walk to her as she began to read off a wall "Cyrus Miller... Billy Barker" she looked at you. "Ruby Lane?" You read off the wall "wait marys daughter?" Kate asked. "look at all the names.. you dont need to go to class to know who they belong to" Alice said ignoring you and kate "shadyside killers" Cindy said looking at Alice. "Yeah... all except one." She spoke as she shined her flashlight towards the bottom of the wall revealing Tommy's name. "Tommy? Alice this isn't funny" "what? You think i carved your stupid boyfriend's name into solid stone with my finger nails?" "Cindy.. Alice is right. Somebody elce did this" you said to the Berman girl as she avoided looking towards you and instead looked towards the little hole you all crawled through to get in here. "Come on let's get out of here" she said as she crawled out with you, Alice and Kate following her.
"Tommy? What are you doing man" Arnie asked as you guys entered the scene "TOMMY!" Arnie shouted as a axe went through his head causing you all to scream. "TOMMY STOP" Cindy shouted as tommy took one more swing into the boys head and turned his to face you all. "run... RUN" you shouted to them as they crawled through the hole in the wall once again. "Here.. HERE Y/N HELP ME" Cindy finally spoke to you as she was trying to move a book shelf and with you help it managed to push it down revelling a short tunnel. You signaled them to all go through as Tommy came through the hole "GO!" You shouted to Cindy as Alice and Kate already made there way through the tunnel. As Cindy went through you went after her until Tommy got a grip on your leg "Y/N" Cindy shouted as she was pulling you through. You kicked Tommy in the face causing him to hit his head off the wall and the tunnel started tumbling down but you managed to get out in time. Cindy started to cry as she thought Tommy was dead due to a load of rocks falling on him. "Wait.. do you guys hear that?" Alice asked as heavy breathing started to make it's way into your ears. "He's still alive?" Cindy asked wiping her tears and resting her head on your shoulder. "He cant get us" you whispered "he can't get us" you said once again but louder and laying back on a rock.

Sorry this was short I don't know if it made sense.. its not prove read so sorry if there was any mistakes.. i love you all and I'll try do another chapter soon.

Word count 842

An unexpected turn (Cindy Berman x female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now