ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 9

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I apologise in advance if there are any spelling mistakes or auto correct..
and im also sorry if it doesn't make sence....??

"Yeah we cool Kalivoda" kate says and you just smile in response. "Where's Alice?" Kate asked you as Cindy and Ziggy got up and walked over to you guys. "She-" you were interrupted by noises coming from the vent you and Cindy came out of. You all slowly made eye contact as you started walking towards it. As you reached it you bent your head over to look and to your surprise you saw Alice climbing up. "Speak of the devil" "Hey Prick." Alice laughed as you helped her up. "What the hell took you so long?" Cindy asked the short haired girl as she stood up and look down at Tommy "You did it" she spoke. "We did it.. we all did it" Cindy said pulling Alice in for a hug but getting rejected "careful okay this thing is like a million years old." She said as she gripped the bag she was waring. "I bought that a month ago" "no I'm not talking about your stupid bag, genius..." "then what?" You asked "blood will fall" Alice started as she turned to face you "Satan's stone.. it was ritht there all this time buried under the moss and i found it... I fucking found it" "found what?" Kate asked "Three guesses" Alice finished as she brought you all to sit at a table and took out a bone. "What-? What is that?" Ziggy asked. "It's sarah fier's lost hand" Alice replied as you all looked down at it. "Nurse lane.. she spent her entire life looking for this.. a way to stop the curse that took her daughter" Cindy spoke with pain in her voice almost as if she was hurt. Alice grabbed the diary and began reading "without her hand.. her grip on the land holds firm. The curse will last.. until hand and body unite.." you take the diary off Alice. "this lead us to the hand bone... and if the legend is true.. that means her body is buried-" you point your finger and Cindy reads out. "Under the hanging tree.." and you nod your head. "We can end this.. no more murders.. no more curse... no more...." Cindy turned her head to Tommy "pain.." she spoke under her breath. "We can save Shadyside... tonight" Ziggy said as she grabed the hand and began zoning out. "Hey! Zig?" You grabbed her and she snapped out of her trance. "I- my nose... it bled on the hand and.... I think i just saw her..." Ziggy stuttered. "saw who?" You asked. "Sarah fier.." she answered "we have to bury this thing!" Cindy said looking at you all "Right fucking now-"
"Wait." Ziggy said "nick- he got axed in the leg.. sombody needs to get him."
"Uhh... yeah okay where is he?" You asked. "He was in science and nature.." "okay.. I'll go find him.. you guys get shovels and bury the hand." You say and Alice nods her head. "Can i come with you..?" Cindy asked. "Uhh.. no you should go with your sister.. Kate you come with me" kate nodded her head. "Well... be careful." Cindy said as she kissed your cheek. "We will.. we'll meet you guys by the tree okay?" you said to her and she nodded her head. "Right let's go then." You said to kate as you two walked off from the other three girls.

Word count: 586

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2021 ⏰

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