Woman in White

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"There's no higher power, there's no God. There's just chaos and violence and random, unpredictable evil that comes out of nowhere. It rips you to shreds. "
- Dean Winchester.

_-=|=-_ 22 years ago _-=|=-_

Night had fallen over a quiet town,  crickts chirping and the wind blowing the only sounds to be heard outside. A large dedicuous tree with no leaves stands outside of one of several suburban homes, and inside a family just settling down for the night.

a woman in a white night gown, Mary Winchester, carries her son, dean into a dark room, stopping right next to another smaller but older child and a crib with a bacy inside "come on dean, percy, lets say good night to your brother"

Mary turned on the light to reveal sam, swaddled and inside his crib. dean leaned over the side of the crib with marys help and kissed the baby on the forehead. " 'Night sam,' he said in his small kid like voice

Percy leaned over the side  and carefully ruffled sams hair "good  night sammy" he said before stepping away to let their mom lean over the side of the crib and smile lovingly at the child  "good night, love" she said with a smile before turning away to greet her husband who was standing in the doorway with a bright smile  on his face

"Daddy!" Dean cried before jumping into his arms, and percy went over to  hug im tightly.

john winchester greeted both of his kids, respectively. "Hey dean, percy. so what do you both think? Is sammy ready to toss around a football yet?" Dean and percy both shake their heads laughing "no dad, " percy said.

"No," john said also laughing as mary passed them and went into  the hallway, asking percy to come with her

"You got him?" mary asked, referring to dean, and john  nodded

"i got him," he said and looked back to sam. he quickly said "sweet dreams" to the baby before switching out the light and carrying Dean to his room, where he put the kid to bed in a soccer themed room and left.

while he was doing this, however, no one noticed the fact that the baseball mobile above sams crib started spinning, the transportation themed cock on the wall ticks.. ticks..  and stops, the moos shaped nightlight flickering.


over the baby moniter, sam could be heard fussing, and mary who at this time  had been asleep, stirrs. she turns on a light on her nightstand where a picture of her and john stands "john?" she asks tiredly only to find that shes alone in the bed.

she gets up and walks over to sams nursery seeing johns shadow next to her babys' crib, "john? is he hungry?" she asked only for her to be shushed quietly

"alright" she says a bit surpised but eaves john to tend to sam and goes back down the hallway only to see the light by the stairs slickering. frowning, shetaps it a few times and it goes back to normal. she gives a soft hum before turning to see more light flickering downstairs.

she goes to investivate and sees john sitting in a recliner asleep while watching a war movie. she takes a moment to process and in a fit of panic she rushes back up the stairs "sammy! sammy!" she cries out but stops short as she sees the man looking back at her with glowing yellow eyes...

a scream echoes through the house, startling all of its residents awake. john races up the stairs and bursts into sams nursery and gives a quick glance around before settling next to sams crib "hey, sammy. you okay" he asks in a quiet voice

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2024 ⏰

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