Drama Book

26 11 15

~i have the perfect plan for this...so i cant wait after school to get the book because they lock all the doors and windows including the changing room so i have came up with a better plan~

*break bell rings*
Sirenna goes to sit at her table alone like usual and after 20 minutes she gets her bag and goes to the bathroom and enters a stall*

~my plan is very simple and smooth... First of all I'll fake a leave school early paper, its basically this thing my school does where if you get a paper that has your parents signature and has "leaving early" on it, its a pass to get out of school ~

~i have mastered the skill of making my hand writing exactly like my parents and i can perfectly do their signature.....~

*sirenna takes a note and starts faking her parents signature*


*bell rings*

*Sirenna leaves and goes back to class*

*sirenna raising her hands to get the teachers attention *

Sirenna: i have a leaving early pass..

Teacher: huh.. let me see that

*Sirenna walks up to the teacherd and shows him the paper*

Teacher: hmm.... Whats your reasoning

Sirenna: school rules didnt say i needed to write a reason

Teacher: alright alright... Head out

~now what did i say.... Everything just goes according to plan~

*sirenna heads out of school and goes to the window leading to the changing room*

*she jumps from the window and lands near the changing room and goes in*

~alright...not sure how long i have before anyone comes in but oh well~

*sirenna grabs a bobby pin and starts unlocking the locker and it opens*

~Yes!.... Here is the book!~

*sirenna hears the sound of girls approaching the changing room and she runs fast to the window and out of it*

~and just like that... I have every single piece of information that could destroy people's lifes ~

~step two: is Isabelle's diary she always keeps it with her... Now i dont know the full story behind why she has a diary and i most definitely don't know why she keeps it with her everywhere but who am i to complain

I just gotta wait for the perfect time where she leaves her backpack alone and take it~

*sirenna heads out to her safe garden spot behind school and takes out the drama book and starts reading it*

Sirenna shockingly: oh.... My

~there is shit in here on like 99 percent of my teachers.... A lot of it~

~something about me having this book and the power on every teacher made me crave revenge even more~

*sirenna goes to her aunts house and there she finds her parents sitting with her aunts waiting for her*

*Alice runs to hug sirenna*

Alice: oh my god!....thank god you are okay

*alice starts crying*

Sirenna: y.. Yeah i....am

John: glad you are okay sirenna.
Lets go home... Sorry Michelle for the disturbing you

Michelle: its nothing ... I enjoy sirenna's company

*sirenna thinks to herself*

~he would rather die than say sorry for once~

*they drive home*

Sirenna: here you go... *gives them the cash and credit cards*

~once again, i exactly knew that this is whats gonna happen, cuz its the same that happens every single time~

*Then sirenna heads out to her room*

*next day at school*

*Isabelle approaches sirenna at the hallway and pulls her jacket pockets*

Isabelle: no drugs today huh *everyone starts laughing*

~I've been waiting for this~

*sirenna grabs Isabelle's head and smashes it on a locker repeatedly*

Sirenna yells while hitting Isabelle's head: SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT THE FUCK UP!!


*Teachers and students broke the fight and sirenna was sent to ths principals office while Isabelle was rushed to the hospital*


Sirenna coldly: wish you had the same energy when my head god smashed in the bathroom wall and into glass by her


Sirenna coldly: you know what i would really like to call an inappropriate behavior.... Cheating on your wife for 7 years till this day and lying about it even though you have a perfectly healthy family with 4 kids.... Or maybe driving to school while being fully drunk..
Oh or maybe the fact you keep drugs here in school specifically... Your office

*the principal stands nervously in absolute shock and fear *

Principal: ho... How d..

*sirenna interrupts*

Sirenna: *smirks* mind opening that 4th drawer that you always keep closed

Sirenna smirks and giggles : here is what's going to happen...first of all.. Forget about the whole explication thing, and second thing.. My parents will not be hearing a word about this... Not a single letter.. No calls no notes.. Nothing... And third and last order.... What happened today is Isabelle's fault and only her fault and thats what you will tell everyone.... And if you do anything besides what i tell you to do.... Everything will be out everywhere and i have my ways of getting that out, and what i just told you is just a very small part of all the shit i have on you...

Oh and im leaving early with no pass cuz from now on i will only be working by my rules

~just like i said everything goes according to plan... My plan~

*sirenna goes home*

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