Blue Steel/Heroes Day pt.2

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Alex's POV

Just great first tony's dead and now cap. Something is definitely wrong, i can feel it. first thing i do when i leave my dorm at visions acedemy is i check my phone and i get a notification is that my cousin is now living in paris and they cannot afford for me to keep going to visions. next thing i do is a grab my Special breifcase that is blue. it holds all of my stuff and put on my glasses.

Alex:Friday send Mark 40.

FRIDAY:It will be there in 1 minute sir.

as the AI said it arrived in front of me with great speeds.

as the AI said it arrived in front of me with great speeds

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i then jump into the suit that tony made.

alex:Friday please play Tony's favorites.

Alex:ah a classic

Meanwhile in paris...

3rd POV

Our heroes were all ready to fight, but then our spider related hero:Spider-Shock saw a flying silver blur zip around like he means something.

???:seems like you needed some help heroes.

Our heroes turned to see Iron Man?

"Iron Man":yeah something like that.

Spider-Shock:anyway you mi-

"Iron Man":help you. Yes i will.

Cat Noir:Wow you really need that speed don't ya.

"Iron Man":listen kid i have 49 other suits to choose from. so don't try it.

Cat Noir:you take the fun out of things.

Scarlet Moth:Listen i am not waiting all day for your miraculous.

Queen bee:Are we gonna attack or not. Ugh make a decision already.

Rena Rouge:nice suit tony.

Alex's POV

When she called me tony it me upset a little.

Alex:Friday call in my suit.

Friday:this suit will take longer to arrive Mister Hogan.

Alex:just get the suit to me.


Alex:Turn the speaker back on friday.

Friday: you never turned it off sir.

Queen Bee:Who are you talking to.

Rena Rouge:Hogan?

Alex:i will explain later.


is that alex? wow he grew up fast.

Alex: So Here's whats gonna happen you are gonna let me and the iron legion deal with this. because this is an Avengers Level Threat.


Alex:We are known as Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Not New york's mightiest.

Cat Noir:We are still gonna fight whether you say so or not.


We then got ready to fight with our new Ally. we jump from the ledge we were hiding on and begin attack the villans left and right as alex guides them to saftey, but something was off about alex as he was out of it. But then Alex started flying upward and then ejected himself out, but then another armour saved him.

 But then Alex started flying upward and then ejected himself out, but then another armour saved him

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Blue steel:Also My name isn't Iron Man. It's Blue Steel.

Scarlet Moth POV

Scarlet Moth:Another hero that doesn't hold a miraculous. Annoying.

Volpina:I know at least he isn't dangerous. Right?

I then see he aim his hand at one of my villians ans they get shot backwards and Blue steel then begins flying towards me with ladybug And cat Noir on his back. and then webbing covers the entire Eiffel Tower. then volpina dissapears to go see her knight in symbiote armour.


I had to find Lila and make sure se was okay because i thought i helped her throught the evil phase. Clearly not, but i do care for her and she does not really know that.

Volpina:please stop Y/N. I really don't want to hurt you.

Y/N:Same for me lila. I thought i helped you.

Volpina:you did. I am being forced to do this if i could stop i would. i really would.


she begins to tear up infront of me.

Volpina:I don't care about those heroes. i only want you.

She then becomes de-Akumatized and i catch her and hold her bridal style. she then lifts up my mask and kisses me on the lips.

Blue Steel POV

Blue steel:allright we now have his miraculous, but what happens to Gaberiel.

Gaberiel then begins start talking to himself and transforms into a monster.

Gaberiel then begins start talking to himself and transforms into a monster

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