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I was mixing fruits when my parents walked into the kitchen

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I was mixing fruits when my parents walked into the kitchen. "Hey dear." My mom greeted me with a smile.

"hey." I greet her back.

"What are you making." dad asked

"I'm just mixing fruits to eat, nothing special." I smile.

They sit on the island stools as Kara and Marianne walk in. "Where's Athena?" Mom questions.

"Sleeping." Kara replies in a 'duh' tone.

"We're going to my sister's house today." Dad reminds us. "We have Lori's birthday dinner."

Lori is my cousin. My favorite cousin.  Tomorrow is her real birthday but she wanted to spend that with me and only me at the club.

She said something about needing to get laid

We all nod and everyone else finds something else to eat. When I finish my fruits I head upstairs to my room and FaceTime Lori. "Hey, bae." She answers on the third ring.

"Hey." I drag, taking a seat at my desk.

"Okay so you're going to sleepover then we sneak out at 7:30 pm." She discusses our plan to sneak out to the club. "We'll come back at 2 am and act like we were in my room the whole time."

We're not allowed to go to the club in this family, there are so many dumb rules we have.

I slowly nod. "Okay, but what if we get cau-"

"I got a plan for that too." She cuts me off. "I'm going to lock the door and we'll sneak out through the window then act like we were sleeping if anyone asks why we weren't replying."

It makes sense because we always lock the door when we take naps.

"Okay, what if they catch us sneaking back in?"

"Yeah, girl you're figuring that one out." She snorts. "That's the only thing I couldn't think of so I think it's fair you plan that. After all, I planned all this."

I chuckle then go to my speaker connecting it to my phone.

Lori and I bought speakers that connect to each other's so when I play music on it, it also goes to hers. Sometimes I hate it because she uses it to wake me up.

Lori and I love older songs for some reason. I play 'rock the boat' by Aaliyah and rock my hips to it in a seductive manner, jokingly. "Oh my, your gonna make me get out of my bed to dance with you." Lori groans.

We sing along together when she finally decides to get up and move with me. Mid-dancing, Lori's mom barges in and turns off the speakers. "I have had enough of you two singing to this music in the morning." She yells. "Normally I'm fine with it but do you realize how loud that was?"

She's not finished and you know she isn't when she grabs the nearest thing to her, being a pencil, and throws it on the ground. I mute myself and turn my camera off then start laughing. "Child you have me knowing all of the lyrics because of how often you play that shit."

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