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I've always believed clear life equals clear skin

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I've always believed clear life equals clear skin.

I know what I want in life, I know what I don't want. I know to stay away from liars because all they can cause is stress.

This Matteo bullshit just gave me a pimple.

Especially since Lori and I plan to break in- again- today.

Fun, right?

After Matteo caught us with that rookie mistake, Lori took the time to set up a camera in his office and see how many procedures he set up. Now we're prepared.

"Wait... guys." Marianne starts, about to say something either really stupid or kind of smart. I give her a hum in response. "You know my name is Marianne Johnson?"

"Oh, really?" Athena asks sarcastically.

"Shut up." She rolls her eyes. "What I'm trying to say is, people should start calling me MJ."

I never thought of that. "Cool."

"Can I call you that instead of Tia Mari, that's way too long," Seriyah asks.

"You know what? MJ is a nickname reserved for the kids. Yes, you can call me that."

We're all in the living room relaxing. Athena's here to take the kids and Marianne's here because she's interested in Lori's love life mission, we call it Operation LLLM.

And oh yeah, Marcus is here.

"Marcus, why are you here?" I ask, just now remembering because he's being quiet in the corner. "Didn't you have something important?"

"Not in front of the kids, it's too violent."

"I can handle violent." Ria raises a brow.

"Yeah." Seriyah agrees.

He sighs. "You guys did this to yourself."

"Whatever." Sy and Ria say at the same time.

"Her name is Diya-"

"Aww, how cute!" Lori interrupts and her brother glares at her. "My bad, continue."

"She is the worst. She's so annoying and cocky and confident and it bothers me. I have to make a painting with her for this stupid challenge thing that I don't fully understand and I can't handle her. It's not that she's bad. She's probably as successful as me."

"Oh..." This is cute.

"I've never been tempted to hit a woman," Marcus states. "But this one makes me want to come close."

"Never been tempted, my ass." Lori raises a brow. "Remember our childhood?"

"You don't qualify as a woman, you're just Lori." He shrugs causing her to gasp.

"-Okay! Forced proximity, enemies to lovers. Love those tropes." I cut off Lori's argument before she even opens her mouth. "Good luck."

"Enemies to- what?" He almost yells.

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