Chapter 6 The scientist and the boy

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Y/ns pov.

I was sitting In my base looking through a highly advanced telescope when all of the sudden something odd caught my eye. An unknown space craft just entered the atmosphere. So I grab the keys to my spaceship and hop in it. Once inside my computer tells me that the unknown space craft just crash landed in the emerald forest.

Computer: "the satellite detects that the ships energy signature is way different from this universe. It seems like they came from another universe."

Y/n: "If thats true then these aliens will have technology that we have never seen before. I need to hurry up and get there before ironwood does."

So I take off twords the emerald forest. Once I arrive I quickly land next to the unknown space ship. As I get outta my ship I activate my cybernetics I use my built in scanner to scan the ship.

Y/n: "let's see the ship is made...from spare parts in a garage. Just like mine."

Just then the ship door opens and out steps a man with blue hair and a kid with a yellow shirt.

???: "damn it Rick. I told you this was a bad idea. Now our ships shut down and we can't get back home."

The old man known as Rick roles his eyes before taking a swig from his flask. So I take this chance to make my presence known.

Y/n: "don't move....who are you. And where did you come from?"

The old man scoffs and turns to look at me. The 2 of us were currently in a stand off. This guy was clearly smart. He made his own spaceship. Just like I did. So whoever he is I can't let him live. He might be a threat to the people who are living here.

Rick: "wait The last time I visited this place space travel didn't exist. How did you figure it out?"

Y/n: "I could ask you the same thing. You old basterd."

Rick: "Look bro im looking for summer rose. She's my wife. Well probably ex wife now but she's still my wife."

I quickly start to open fire on Rick clearly pissed off that he mentioned my dead mothers name. But Rick quickly forms a shield around him and the kid. So I stop opening fire on them. But I wasn't done yet. I draw 2 duel plasma swords.

Rick: "wow plasma swords. An intresting choice."

Rick and I rush eachother. He summons a staff and our weapons clash I start to try and gain ground by slashing at Rick non stop. But Rick counters by kicking me back. So I quickly press a button on my watch rewinding time to 5 minutes in the past. But it only works for me. (Think tracers recall but better.) Before Rick has time to react I kick him hard in the gut causing him to cough up some blood.

Y/n: "stay down. Final warning."

Rick: "wow. Nice device. Time to get serious I guess."

Rick draws his blaster and he starts to open fire on me. So I draw both of my plasma swords blocking each blaster bolt with the blade. As I'm doing so I start to make my way twords Rick. Who has finally realized that blasting me won't do shit. So he uses his rocket boots to fly twords me. He grabs me by my shirt and he throws me through 3 trees. I grunt as I hit the first tree. But before I hit the other 2 I'm able to pull up a forcefield around myself. Protecting me from the impact.

Y/n: "is that all you got old man?"

I question as I quickly change both of my arms into there blaster forms. I start to open. Fire on Rick causing him to duck. Behind a tree to dodge the blaster fire.

Rick: "Heh. Your pretty good kid. I guess it's time for big boy then."

Rick removes some blood from his body before shooting a special syrem on it turning it into a hideous creature. So I rush Rick and I start to try and deliver hit after hit on him but the creature absorbs the blows. I eventually realize that I just helped this mad man get more powerful. Rick punches me hard with the damage I powered him up with. So I decide to even the odds.

Y/n: "heh...nice guess it's my turn."

I take out a piece of gun which enhances endurance and strength 10 fold so me and Rick go back to fighting. Each blow was devastating to both of us. Hell Rick even blew one of my arms off. But I managed to blow one of his legs off.

Y/n: "ugh...this isn't going to end computer send in prototype arm 2314 in."

My computer complys and soon enough a metal arm attaches to the stump of my old arm. This arm was made from nanobots so I could turn it into anything I wanted.

Y/n: "Alright. I need a blade hand now!"

My robot arm changes into a blade as I jump out of my cover. But Rick trys to shoot me with his blaster before he can I fire a portal under me disappearing before reappearing behind Rick. But he seems shocked. That portal formula looks familiar.

Rick: "wait wait time out time out."

Y/n: "wait? Why are we stopping?"

Rick: "your eyes....that hair. Are you y/n Sanchez?"

Y/n: "depends on who's asking."

Rick: "your father...thats who's asking. My name is Rick Sanchez. We have alot to talk about."

I seem shocked as I quickly turn my robotic arm back to normal.

Y/n: "dad...?"

I question as me and Rick stare at eachother. Morty still seems a bit confused.

Morty: "wait who is this guy rick?"

Rick: " son."

We stand there just looking at eachother. Clearly still ready to fight if we need too.

A crack in reality. (Rick Sanchez male reader x rwby) Where stories live. Discover now