Chapter 7 Ghosts of our past

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Y/ns pov.

I sit down clearly exausted from the fight I just had. Rick does the same. I lean against a tree just studying Rick and the kid who's name I learned was morty.

Rick: "so...your my son? Huh?"

I give Rick a nod signaling that he's right.

Y/n: "why....why come back now? You have been gone for all of my life. You never wrote me a Christmas card. And you never showed up for any of my birthdays so why are you here now?"

Rick: "Because I need your help. I need you to track someone down for me."

Y/n: "And what makes you think that I'll just be up and willing to help you after you abandoned me for 18 years?"

I was clearly pissed. Rick sighs and looks away from me. Meanwhile morty was just sitting there quietly he was curious on why Rick never mentioned me before.

Rick: "Look I know your pissed and I would be pissed off too. But please try to understand why I left you."

Y/n: "and why that huh? So You could go back to your universe instead of taking responsibility for what you created?"

Rick: "No God no. The reason I left was so you could have a normal life. So you could have a choice. So you could choose for yourself what kinda life you wanted to live."

Y/n: "Yeah well I can't exactly do that. I'm the smartest man on this planet....I was never normal rick. I was always picked on made fun of for being the smartest person in school. People wanted to use me...for power. So that's why I chose to use my Smarts for myself and myself only."

Rick: "knowledge is a curse. Which is why I hoped that you would turn out more like your mother. I didn't want you to turn out like me."

Y/n: "Yeah well. Guess what. That didn't happen. I was forced to live with this curse for 18 years. But ya know what. I don't regret it for a second."

Rick: "And why's that?"

Y/n: "Because it shows the world that i didn't need you to become great. It shows the world that I still have my humanity. Even tho I'm basically a god who walks among men. I'm still holding onto that last piece of humanity. Sure I've done some fucked up things...but unlike you. I make mistakes and I learn from them."

Rick: "You don't think I make mistakes. Sure it's rare but I make them. Hell my whole life is probably one big mistake."

As I'm listening to my father I take out my own flask. Showing Rick another thing that I inherited from him his addiction to alcohol. I take a sip from the flask before putting it back in my pocket.

Rick: "Look I understand it's hard. But I'm here now. Just give me a chance to be a father for once. I didn't get to do it for Beth until she was all grown up. Let me do it for you. Please son."

Rick holds his hand out for me to take. But I just stare at it. I was kinda hesitant. But just as we were about to shake hands an atlas ship lands next to Rick's ship. Ironwood and winter get out of the ship along with a few atlas guards.

Morty: "Oh jeez. These guys don't look good."

Y/n: "Yeah. There not. Look I know we are in a hard patch right now old man but I need your help."

Rick: "Fine. Let's get this done. Morty take this."

Rick throws morty a blaster before readying his plasma pistol. I quickly change my arms into blades showing Rick that I perfected nanobot technology.

Ironwood: "Dont move your all under arrest."

Y/n: "tch. This is gonna be fun."

The 3 of us get ready for a fight. One thing was clear. After this was over. One of 2 things would happen. Ironwood would be dead or the 3 of us would be dead. But I like our odds so we charge at Ironwood.

(A/n: Cliffhanger I'll write the next chapter one of these days.)

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