Epilogue exploring the galaxy

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Y/ns pov

2 months it's been 2 months since team rwby left with Rick and morty to there home dimension I payed them visits sometimes ruby and morty eventually started to date. All tho it was very casual. Yang went off on her own to find her own destiny. Blake and weiss partnered together to create a baking company it seemed like the world was finally at peace. But me and Rick knew the truth which is why I was currently in Rick's garage packing up my ship with all sorts of weapons everyone had come to see me off as I kept packing up.

Rick: "are you sure you gotta go?"

Y/n: "yes Rick I am. Evil morty is still out there and if he caused winters death I have to find out why."

Ruby: "or you could stay with us. We could use your help in taking back our world from ozpin and salem."

Y/n: "no. You guys need to stay here. If you go back then your futures will be doomed.  What I'm saying is that the finite curve that Rick developed will protect you 4 from your destiny's. You won't be killed you 4 finally have a chance to start over."

Yang: "so your trapping us on a planet with your father so we can have a whole new life. We won't have to worry about grimm anymore?"

Y/n: "that's correct."

Blake: "sounds like a pretty good deal to me."

Weiss: "well duh. Y/n came up with it. And he is a genius after all."

Y/n: "thanks for the confidence weiss. Now I gotta go."

I hop into my spaceship and fly outta the garage. I start to fly twords the portal which brought me here. As I fly through it all I can think about is one thing.

Y/n: "I'm coming for you. Evil morty. And when I find you. I'm going to kill you. Without hesitantion."

And with that I speed off into the galaxy to find evil morty.

The end.

(Or is it. Who knows maybe a sequel will come we shall see)

A crack in reality. (Rick Sanchez male reader x rwby) Where stories live. Discover now