Fellow Freshman or Anyone Really

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        Chances are, you are a freshman if you're reading this. If not, this is still important.

        Anyways, I know things are hard right now. Whether you don't understand what's going on in your classes or you do, or if it's just this whole pandemic shit that has you stressing, you're going to be okay.

        I have a very close friend who is struggling in school right now. They aren't passing most of their classes and their parents only care about the grades, not if their child is actually comprehending everything they are taking in.

        They are a Freshman and I want to tell you, too, that it's okay to not have the best grades. Don't stress about it that much, even if your parents are giving you a hard time. If you're worried about college, the majority of them don't look at Freshman year's grades, depending on which one you're hoping to apply to.

        It's normal to not be getting the best grades or to be struggling, especially considering the fact that most people were doing online-school all year last year. Not only are you now transitioning into High School, but you're doing it while there is a pandemic and maybe even personal situations that make things hard.

        We all were disconnected from our schools for a long time and going to a brand new one where there are so many more people older than you is hard, it is. And I understand. I do. But just keep your head up, love.

        Like Louis says, "Just hold on."

        Here's a cliche that I took seriously, "Things will get better."

        Things do get better.

        Just like an arrow, it needs to be pulled back in order to go forwards.

        Just like a semi-colon, it doesn't end a sentence but it only a break.

        Just like the cliche, you are going to get better.

        I hope you have an amazing High School experience, and if you aren't having the best time and need to talk to someone, just message me. I promise I'll listen, give advice, or talk about things with you.

        I love you all and you deserve to be in this world.

        Best of luck,
              Ash Clementine

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