8. Falling on deaf ears

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East Gearen City, out of the Laboratory
"If I remember correctly, Venam said she'd go home after your match with her, and she stayed there." Ren tells Rachel "We should make our way over there now, but carefully. There are Team Xen Grunts working for Madelis all over the city."
"Yeah, the beautiful and gorgeous Team Xen Executive" Rachel rolls her eyes.
"I don't mean to eavesdrop, but I heard you mention Venam's name?" says a voice from behind. A woman with orange hair and a ponytail approaches the two friends.
"Huh? Aren't you Karrina?" Ren asks her "The girl who hangs out by the docks often?"
"I may be a gang leader, but that doesn't mean we do bad things." she responds "Quite the opposite, actually. We work to make sure the streets of Gearen are as clean as possible. Wait are you the girl who asked me about the Hidden Library?"
"Oh yeah it's me!" Rachel exclaims.
"The Hidden Library?" Ren asks, confused.
"It was for some Help Request..." Karrina explains "anyway, back on topic with Venam. Are you two looking for her?"
"Yeah." Rachel confirms.
"That's right." Ren says "Have you run into her?"
"When I saw that the city was being overrun by Team Xen, I contacted her immediately. I got word that one of their admins were holding themselves off in the Abandoned Factory on Junction Bridge" Karrina answers "Before I could even explain the situation, Venam dashed on over there.
"Junction Bridge... that's just west of the train station to Route 1. Of course Venam would jump in head-first without even thinking..." Ren sighs "But if a Xen Admin is there, maybe we can stop all of this before it gets too bad. Alright, I think we'll head for Junction Bridge and assist Venam."
"Great!" Karrina explains "We could use more help. I'm going that way myself. You guys wanna walk there now?"
The two friends nod.
"Awesome, I'll lead the way."

Later, Junction Bridge
The bridge west to the route 1 train station is a dark one, thinks Rachel. Yeah, that's the right way to describe it, since the bridge and the streets next to it are darker than the streets in Gearen. There are a few barrels and boxes around, but also some trees. At least, there's nature. But the water really is slimy. Well, not so different from the one in the City center...
Rachel, Ren and Karrina arrive to the factory. It's a dark blue building with modern doors and windows. Just in front of it there are two strange machines.
It's time to go inside.

"Okay you two, that's it. If the reports are true, then there should be a Xen Admin couped up in here." says Karrina "If we can get rid of them, it may be enough to drive out all the Xen Grunts from East Gearen."
The three hear a disturbing laugh coming from inside the Factory. Ren and Rachel get scared.
"The reports must be true... That laughter can't be from a sane individual!"
"I agree with this one, let's get this over and done with!"
"Yeah, it gives me chills it's so creepy!" Ren and Rachel comment respectively.

Dr Jenkel's Lab
What a strange place, thinks Rachel. She, Karrina and Ren are walking on some glass tiles colored in green, dark pink and dark blue. There are barrels all over them and the tiles are surrounded by green slimy water.
"That Xen Admin must be around here somewhere." whispers Karrina.
"Yeah, that laugh sounded pretty close" observes Ren.
The trio walks north until it sees Venam.
Ren catches her attention calling her name.
"Huh? What are you guys doing here?" Venam asks.
"It wasn't wise for you to run off like that before giving me the chance to explain the situation!" Karrina scolds her.
"Listen, I'm-"
Venam gets interrupted by the security system.
"Oh, fuck." comments Rachel.
"I didn't think this place would have an alarm system!"

"Jenkel, who are these three?" asks an unidentified voice. "You absolute idiot! You left the door open even after I told you to shut it?!"
"Oops." says the doctor.
"You're supposed to be more competent than this! Whatever, just take care of them. I'm warping out of here!"
Rachel, Ren, Karrina and Venam walk until they see a purple haired man with glasses and a white coat, standing next to a floating psychic Pokemon inside some strange machine.
Rachel grabs her Pokédex.
<Musharna! The Drowsing Pokemon. The mist emanating from their foreheads is packed with the dreams of people and Pokémon.>
"Wait, who are..." she exclaims.
"What, Rachel?" Ren asks her.
"I'm sure I had seen some green haired girl. Or maybe it's my imagination... I don't know. Anyway, I've already seen you! At the lab! Before picking my starter! Next to some sleeping..."
"I don't remember you." the doctor interrupts Rachel.
"You there, Xen Admin! What are you doing with that Musharna?" Karrina asks him.
"Hehehe... Xen Admin? Welp. Doesn't matter. You've all seen too much. But that's okay, huehehe... YES! It's QUITE.ALL.RIGHT."
"Oooh my ears! Can you not scream like this?" Rachel exclaims.
"You do scream too." Ren laughs. "Anyway I do agree. Lower your voice. And you... you are crazy."
"Oh, I guess I'll just have to test my experiment on you too. 0 - 0." the doctor continues.
"What in the world..." Rachel says.
"This guy's a dumbass." adds Venam.
"Let's take him down!" Ren exclaims.
"Rachel, if you can pull this off, I'll let you into my gang. This is a good deal!" Karrina offers. "Take out this guy and save that Musharna!"
"Hehehe! We'll see about that~!" Dr.Jenkel laughs.
"Rachel, let's team up!" Ren tells her.
"Alright!" Rachel agrees and the battle begins.

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