The Moon's Awakening

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The time has almost come.

Finally! We can rid you of that traitor.

That voice. That voice isn't mine. That voice is a demon, a spirit who won't get out of my head.

I've been stuck on this forsaken moon for a thousand years!

Esmeray you know you want to let me in. You Have to. Aruna doesn't care! She never did!

Shut up! Shut up!

Every time the moon came up the kingdom neglected you and Aruna didn't so much as bother to give you a glance!

Yes she did! She did what she had to. To stop me- or you! This is all your fault. I was sent here because of you! Now that my time has come I can finally make peace with the world not tear it apart.

Esmeray you know that trying to make peace with the world will only make it worse. Especially after what we have done.

What we have done? It's what you have done! I had no part to it!

You created me.

No... I... did not.

She can read my thoughts, all of them. I cant do anything to stop that. It was my fault.

Even you, the Moon Princess or shall I say goddess have accepted that you did partaken in it also.

As soon as that last thought was finished a bright glow came from the moon surrounding me. Before I knew it I was somehow transported onto a soft and colourful field. I haven't seen anything like this in so long.

Finally! We're here. Now we can-

I cut that thought off with a silencing spell. Now that I've made it onto the Earth ground and soil I can finally use my magic. Oh how I missed the sweet sound of nothing.

I look at my surroundings; flowers and grass had covered every inch of land and the river passing by had been the best part. Up ahead I see my castle behind clouds that make it look so.. majestic. I shed a tear. The sky is a black-blue and the stars shone so brightly, of course I have seen this before but, on Earth it looked much more lively.

Now that I have examined my surroundings I notice I was never here before. Even if I thought back one thousand years ago. I was never here. What is this place? Would I have been sent back to the same exact spot I was sent away?

Saving those thoughts for another day I start walking towards the castle taking in every wonderful leaf, flower, water, animal or dirt passing by.


After what seemed like an hour of walking I found the kingdom. Not quite exactly as it was when I- left (By that I mean one thousand years of new trends, ideas, fashion, buildings or even new inventions plus one thousand years worth of generations). This fresh new breed of generation was a hardworking one fishing, cleaning, working and playing. But that all came to a halt when they recognized me and by the look of it they were terrified.

"You're- you're the other princess on all of those castle walls!" A child pointed out.

"Oh I am?" I ask.

"Esmeray." I say sweetly holding my hand out.

"Stay away from him!" His father jerked his child back. "I thought all those stories about the great and terrifying moon princess turning evil was all a fairytale!"

"A fairytale? A fairytale! Is that what she told you?" I ask anger burning to burst out.

"Stay away from me!" He yells again then quickly picks up the cart he was pushing and hurries grabbing his child with him.

Suddenly everyone had stopped and stared. All those eyes upon me, I couldn't quite tell if they were frightened or annoyed. Only then I realized I let that demon take over me again.

Keep this up and we can rule again! Come on you know you want to, you're subjects will never respect you like they used to. From the looks of it Aruna had fooled these people into making you seem like the bad one.

My subjects never respected me in the first place because of you!

"Please! I mean no harm." I say.

The castle guards had been alerted and instead of dragging me into a cell they had come to greet me. As if they were expecting me. Aruna planned this, she knew how long I was gone for? I never knew how long it had been. She sent me away and never looked back?

Yes she did and we can make her pay!

No! I'll talk to her like a normal human being.

But you're not a human, you've just lived one thousand years on the moon Esmeray! You're a Goddess!

A goddess who has been treated like a measly rat. I wave my hand using the silence spell again to silence her, it seems like it takes a certain amount of time until she can speak again. I need to find a more permanent one. The less I hear her the better it is for everyone.

I follow the guards back to the castle. I eventually entered the throne room about to greet my dear sister Princess Aruna, Goddess of the Sun (or could be said as Sun Goddess). The throne room was different then I had last seen it, where the colours used to be blue and gold are now red and gold. There used to be two thrones one farther back and one more to the front (Can you guess which one was mine?) which are now both side by side equal. Why has she kept both thrones for one thousand years? Did she feel guilty? No that can't be it.

My sister emerges from behind the curtains and sits in one of the thrones. She hasn't looked at me yet but is studying what seems to be a very important piece of paper. She looks exactly as I had last seen her except her hair was a completely different colour, where it was once a bright blonde as bright as the sun, it is now still similar but darker with a hint of a colourful arrangement at the ends. Dark enough to see it but bright enough to miss it when not paying attention. It wasn't like she dyed it, it was more like some kind of magic had touched those ends and permanently stained them. I could sense it.

"What is it Henry? You know I don't have time for-" Her voice was exactly the same, demanding but sweet at the same time. That was the moment she saw me, her eyes wide, tears starting to form in her eyes and making their way down her face. I must admit that I too was tearing up at the sight of my sister, she seemed more mature but yet exactly the same. Ever since I found out she was the one that sent me away, I lived on anger, sadness and my sorrows. I blamed her for everything that happened, but yet I still felt happiness when I saw her for the first time in a long time.

"Esmeray!" She says jumping out of her seat, dropping the paper and running toward me. I start toward her. When we met each other we let out in a big embrace and we started crying in each others arms. "I thought I would never see you again!" Aruna says through sobs

"Me too." I barely was able to say through my own sobs. I was the first to pull away, "Wait a moment. So you had no idea when I was returning?"

"I had an idea it was one thousand years but I stopped counting when I-" She stops "Never mind. Lets take you to your room I think you might like what I've done with it."

I let her lead me to my room, everything here felt so strange and definitely not the same. The castle halls felt darker, more empty and overall even coming from The Princess of Darkness (which is what they used to call me) it was scary. My room was one of the highest rooms in the castle because I was Aruna's "baby sister" and she felt the responsibility of keeping me safe. She was so caught up in everything else in her life she eventually forgot about me. But it only lasted until that day.

A few stairs and hallways later we made it to my room. The whole room was remodeled, where there was once a broken mirror (from my fist), there was a clean brand new or old one (I don't know exactly when she did all of this), the rug that was once white and soft with blood stains (from the mirror) is now black but soft, the windows were fixed after I had busted through it. The whole room was different in a way I couldn't explain. I look at Aruna, her eyes wide looking back at that painful memory explains it all. I know that the memories of what happened here haunt both of us, I can't sleep here.

"Aruna." I say pulling her from that moment. "I think you should show me the rest of the castle."

"Oh. Yes! Lets go." We both rush out of the room.

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