The Sun and The Moon

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Kill her. She's right there, unguarded, oblivious, trusting. You have the advantage do it!

No! I haven't come here to kill my own sister! Leave me alone.

Esmeray, you know that deep down you want to! Do it or I will.


You'll see soon enough.

After a while of seeing the new, valuable and useless things added to the castle or the old things Aruna kept in memory, she eventually led me to outside to an open area. It seemed like ruins to an old building, but instead of going inside Aruna refrained from letting me go in. I've never listened to my sister since the day she told me that "my people" don't seem to appreciate me because "they haven't grown to like me yet" but clearly that wasn't the case since she had to do what she did. She didn't try to comfort me, tell the people they should also respect me, or even see if I was okay. No, she didn't do anything. Nothing at all. It might as well be her fault. And because of her mistake I was sent to the moon. Why wasn't she sent to the sun for a thousand years? Why was it just me?
What made her more special than me and the rest of our siblings?

Yes! That's it, keep going Esmeray.

"Esmeray. Are you okay?" Aruna asks making me jump. I didn't realize I had zoned out.

"hm? Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?" I ask.

"Your eyes. They... were glowing." Aruna says afraid. "Is it still in you?"

"What are you talking about? What's in me? Do you think somethings wrong with me?" I ask angry. I know somethings in me. Why couldn't I say that?

I couldn't allow it Esmeray she will never understand.

It was you!

"No! no. I was just-' She breathes in deeply. "I was just concerned." She says looking away traumatized.

"Why aren't we going in?" I ask changing the subject.

"Well. Since that... day the force had put a barrier around this place, even I can't seem to break it." She explains. "But now that your here I just thought you could be able maybe to break it" She grasps my hands into hers. "That is, only if you want to. I'm not going to try and force you to do anything anymore."


Yes do it!

I'm not going to do it if you think it's a good idea.

"No!" I blurted. Realizing what I just did I take a deep breath. "I'm sorry, no I can't."

I look at Aruna and her face says it all. She was terrified and confused.

"I'm going to be in my room if you need me." I say turning around and walking back towards the castle.


After almost fighting off the guards and people trying to stand in my way because they think so poorly of me I made my way back to my room. I change into much suitable clothes and sat on my bed, laying back I finally found a feeling of comfort and warmth. But as expected that feeling is soon drawn away by-

I was drawn to you because I thought you would understand and actually listen to me. Yet it seems like you cannot do either and I should do something about it.

No. You won't and you can't, you can't take over without my consent! I have to allow you to take over and without that you are stuck. You're just trying to mess with my head so I would consent.

Yes. Now that part is true, unfortunately I am a part of you and you're wrong about one thing; I can do something about it and if-

And before that thing could finish I cut it off with a flick of my fingers. I lay on my bed which oddly enough doesn't have a millennium amount of dust on it, possibly the newest generation of workers? No matter the deal I slowly drifted off to sleep.

A few hours pass and I awake. A blanket had been put on me while sleeping. Or had it been there before? I quickly get up after realizing how long it has been, it's day time! Oh no I had duties to fulfill for the night! I speed out into the main hall running down the stairs. I accidentally ran right into Aruna and we fall onto the ground. "Agh"

I rub my head. "I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay!" She says getting up then helping me up. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine you?"

"Im okay." Aruna says "Did you sleep okay?"

"Yeah I guess, some nightmares here and there but I'm fine. I mean who watches the dreams of the one who enters the Dream World every night to take care of others?" I say jokingly but it seems she took it seriously.

"You entered the Dream World every night?" asks shocked. "Even during the thousand years?"

"Yes." I say "I have to. I was always in there, I just never looked at your dreams because-" Aruna stops me there.

"Yes. I know." She says regretfully.

A lady, possibly one of the castle keepers comes to greet us.

"Hello. Princess Aruna and Princess Esmeray. I come to remind you about the meeting with King Alfred and that you better get going because he is here." The lady says.

"Thank you for reminding me, I'll be there in a minute." Aruna says calmly.

"Can we talk about this later?" she asks. "Mr. Desperate for Money is here and he's constantly trying to give me offers that really are- special, he once offered a disgusting looking cake for twenty thousand gold. I try to explain that I cannot make deals like that because it isn't in a rulers nature to give gold for food. And it is completely illegal."

"Wow seems like you've gotten your hands full." I say wincing at the pain she might be going through. "Have fun!" I say as she walks away.


You think everything is pathetic and weak.

Because it is. I think it is pathetic that you forgave her.

It wasn't her fault. It was yours.

You cannot deny though, I did make your life one thousand times less miserable.

Hmm let's think about that shall we?
1. You found me at my worst times and took advantage by taking over my body.
2. You've had me almost kill millions of people.
3. You almost killed my own sister by my hand.
4. You had me sent to the moon for one thousand years wishing everything was different and that I could see my family again. All those years full of regret and for what? Attention? Now that was pathetic!

Awww, you need to stop looking in the past. Those were old times! There is no need for emotions right now.

Come to think of it. Where were the rest of my siblings? Maxwell and Nova? Aruna didn't say anything about them. Did she?

Oh I loved that Nova, she was a real witch!

If you loved her so much why didn't you take over her?

There are simple rules that I must follow or else I might just be taken elsewhere.

Pray tell, what are these rules that you speak of?

I cannot say, and if I could I would not waste it telling you.

Hm, suit yourself.

I walk to the back of the castle where the garden is and take a walk around the river stream and the fountain. Admiring the colourful flowers and their wonderful shapes and some kind of joy radiating off of it. But that could not stop me from thinking about my brother, what happened to Maxwell? I could care less about Nova. She could rot in hell!

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