I'll pretend I didn't hear that

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Author's note; Okay, I admit it, I've been a bit stuck in the story, still am, and when I had a rather sudden move on my hands, to a place that's half the size that my old place was, the whole writing was just too much, but I'm still trying, I'm just slow as a snail. Anyway, I hope that you all enjoy this chapter. <3

We only stayed for one night, before going back home; it seemed that the peace talks were on pause, and they stayed that way for a couple of months.

I suppose that that was slightly Otou-sensei's fault as he was refusing to talk to the Raikage, not that I was all that interested in doing that either, and the other kages seemed to be angry with the Raikage too, surprisingly he didn't seem to get it.

So, the peace talks were paused for a couple of months and we all got to go home; the rebuilding of our home actually finished in those months and it wasn't just rebuilt, it was build larger than it had been, my room had been remade into a much larger room with a large bay window, which was mirrored in the living room downstairs, and a reinforced corner to work on my bombs in without damaging the room. I also got tons of different pencils and paints, and my room wasn't the only part of the building that was remade into something larger, when I asked Otou-sensei about it he grinned and told me that one of Danzo's punishments was to pay for any rebuilding or addons that was needed, or what Otou-sensei wanted while they were rebuilding anyway, so Otou-sensei was going out of his way to use money as payback, further more Otou-sensei and I had been gifted the building, the previous owner hadn't thought the damage done by the Anbu-people worth the price that the repairs would cost and so, using Danzo's money, Tsunade had bought the whole building and gifted it to Otou-sensei; I think she was trying to make up with Otou-sensei and I, though neither of us were fans of hers right now.

Another part of Danzo's punishment included, but was not limited to, being under constant watch, having had to set up a fund for 'the bird' with a lot of money as compensation, community service and he'd lost most of his backing and most, if not all, of his access to other people's files, plus there was a team put in charge of going through all the things he'd done, missions and agreements he'd arranged for, to undo the damage that he'd been responsible for, which seemed to be a lot.

Otou-sensei even went ahead and had seals and stuff build into the building, so that it was harder to break, near impossible if you didn't already know which seals were used, and now only allowed people were able to enter the house, and Otou-sensei and I were still the only ones able to enter my bedroom, though he had had conversations with Anko and Ibiki about allowing them access in case of emergency; we also had two new rooms now, a guest room and a study, which was kinda nice.

What was nicer was the fact that some of the seals made it so that the house couldn't be set on fire, blown up or otherwise damaged by chakra relating attacks, or so Otou-sensei claimed, but it was nice to know, since that meant that even if Snakey, Kabuto and Raven came for me here, I'd be safe at home and they wouldn't be able to set fire to it like they'd done in Kumo.

I rather liked home to be safe.

The study had a bunch of books and scrolls with techniques and jutsu that we were going to train, and as soon as Otou-sensei and Tsunade agreed that I was healthy again, we trained a lot, and Otou-sensei, Yamato(the guy that usually took over Otou-sensei's place on the team, when Otou-sensei was busy or hurt) and Pervy Sage trained Naruto as well, something about that spinning jutsu he'd learned when we'd gone to find Tsunade, I got to stay and train alongside him, though I was learning other things.

Otou-sensei was rather worried about my abilities in hand-to-hand combat, so much of our starting focus was on that, though he also had me practice his lightning jutsu a lot as he worried that I'd get hurt if I didn't master it. So, overall, the few months that we 'took a break' from the peace talks were rather busy, though they were fun too; it was sort of funny to watch Otou-sensei and Pervy Sage work together, when Otou-sensei kept trying to avoid him, while Pervy Sage kept trying to have a serious conversation with Otou-sensei, apparently he still remembered how Pervy Sage had tried to use me to hook up with women by claiming to be my dad, and he refused to forgive and forget.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2021 ⏰

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