Chapter 59.

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I wrap my arms around myself as I watch my now-married best friend glide across the dance floor with her new husband. Eight years coming. Seven years of pain. One year of happiness.

I'm struck with how much she deserved it. Coincidence—or fate, if you believe in that—brought them together after so long. And the smile on her face as she looks into his eyes tugs at my heart.


Quite simply, love. Nothing more and nothing less.

Harry steps up behind me and slides his arm around my waist. His fingers tickle across the side of the tiny bump growing. "About time, don't you think?"

I smile. "It took them long enough. Personally, I'm glad I don't have to deal with Bridezilla anymore."

He laughs quietly. "Aren't we all?"

"Aaron especially," I respond, my own laughter bubbling up.

Harry leans in closer, his mouth hovering above my ear. "I have something to show you."

"What did you break?" I jerk my face round.

"Nothing!" He laughs. "Just follow me, okay?"

I frown but let him take my hand and sneak us out of the ballroom. The evening summer breeze blows my hair, the warmth nice across my bare shoulders.

"Where are we going?"

We stop by a giant water fountain. He pushes some wayward hair from my face and tries a smile.

"Do you trust me?"

I frown again. "You know I do."

He cups my face. "You're the most impulsive woman I've ever met. If you want to know what I'm doing, jump on that impulse and come and find me."

He kisses me quickly and runs around the corner.

"The fuck?" I shriek, running after him. Which is no easy feat in this mermaid-style dress.

Holy shit, this is a maze.

"Ohhh, shit. Harry, you jerk! You prize butthead!" I call into the waning light. "What in the hell are you playing at, you little British bastard?"

I take a deep breath and rein my hormones in. I hear his laughter from somewhere in front of me.

"I'm in the middle."

"Oh, helpful!" Fuckshitarsewanktwatbollocks.

I'm mentally cursing in British. By the time this baby arrives, I'll have the accent perfect. 

I run my hand along the wall of the maze as I follow its twists and turns. Dead end. Dead end. Dead end.

I'm really, really not good at this.

Left. Right. Straight on. Back up.

It slowly gets darker as I try to navigate my way through the endless paths offered to me. I groan when I find another dead end and turn back.

Harry stands, grinning at me, and crooks his finger for me to follow him. "Left, right, left, left, right."

Then he goes again.

I shout another curse after him. What the hell kind of fucked-up shit is this? I stomp after him, following his directions.

Wait. Was the third right or left? Shit. I take a chance and go right...into a dead end. Left it is, then. One more left and the right and ohmyfuckinghell.

"What... What is this?" I swallow, looking at Harry.

He's grinning, but it's nervous. And I don't blame him. I want to know why he's standing next to an officiant and Aaron and Dayton.

"How did you two—what? I don't understand. Harry, what the hell are you doing?"

He laughs silently and steps up to me. Then he takes my hands in his and slowly links our fingers.

"Marry me," he whispers. "Right now."

My lips part and I shudder out a breath. "For real? This isn't a joke?"

He shakes his head. "Forever, Liv. It's only ever going to be you for me."

I look over his shoulder at my best friend and her new husband. "But—they—"

"Told me to," he replies. "I like surprises, remember?"

I open my mouth, but how do you respond to the truth? I told him that once. "This is your best surprise," I whisper, squeezing his fingers. "Yes. Right now."

His eyes widen. "Really?"

"Turn around before I change my mind."

He laughs and pulls me forward. He nods to the officiant, who starts the traditional lingo, but Harry shakes his head.

"Skip it all, mate," he says, looking into my eyes. "She's flighty as hell and I'm afraid she'll change her mind any second."

I grin, my eyes filling with tears. "It's true. I'm contemplating running."

"Well, I can't have that," the officiant replies with laughter. "In that case. Harry Edward Styles, do you take Olivia Jade Warren to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I bloody well do."

He takes a ring from Aaron and slides it onto my finger. I sniff as I look at the diamondembedded band.

"Olivia Jade Warren, do you take Harry Edward Styles to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

He wipes a tear from my cheek, and I take the ring from Dayton. I slowly slide it onto his finger, pausing when it reaches the base.

"No doubt about it. I do."

"Then I pronounce you—"

I don't hear the rest of it because Harry cups my face, pulls me into him, and kisses me like it's the last time he ever will.

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