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"Lucas! Get off the back of the couch!"

"Yeah, Lucas," Callie shrieks, blowing a raspberry at him.

"Mooom," Lucas whines, rolling off it onto the floor dramatically. "No fair!"

"Lucas," I warn, giving the rowdy boy a stern look, shutting the door behind me.

"Dad!" Both kids scream, and I drop my bag just in time to bend down and catch them in my arms.

"Hey, you two! Have you been bad for your mum?"

"No! Never!" Callie insists.

"Yeah, no," Lucas echoes, his dark eyes wide as he looks at me.

"Really? Because that whining was bad."

He opens his mouth then closes it.

"Don't talk to your mum that way, okay." I kiss his head and get up.

"Okay, Daddy." He grins.

"Yeah, Lucas!" Callie repeats.

I grab her arms and throw her playfully onto the couch. "And you! Stop winding your brother up."

She pouts, her eyes bright. "But Daddy, he's being dumb."

"You're winding me up!" Lucas points at her. "Dad, she bugs me!"

"You're winding each other up." Liv stops in the doorway and puts her hands on her hips. She runs her eyes over the kids, her gaze skimming Callie's dark curls and Lucas's much lighter, blonde ones. "Can't you, I don't know, just go to your rooms or something until I've cooked your dinner?"

"No." Callie sits up. "He comes in all the time."

"Then can't you play nicely?"

She wrinkles her face with the attitude only a six-year old has. "With a boy? Ew, no."

I laugh. "You better say the same thing in ten years." I pull her back down and tickle her sides with my fingers.

"Harry!" Liv gives me her 'mum' look, the one that always stops the kids in their tracks.

I pause, still holding Callie's sides, and looks up. "Yes, beautiful?"

"You aren't--"

"Pile on!" Lucas laughs, jumping onto my back. His little arms go around my neck and I fall to the side dramatically.

"...helping," Liv finishes wearily. "Lucas! Enough!"


"Okay, fella." I swing him round to my front. "Listen to your mother. Go and play with your trucks in your room and calm down before dinner."

"Ner ner ner ner ner!" Callie pokes her tongue out as Lucas stomps off. He stops in the door next to Liv and narrows his eyes at me. Liv rubs his hair fondly as he runs past, making a zooming noise, his feet pounding against the staircase, his annoyance forgotten in seconds.

"And you." Liv turns on Callie, and she shrinks back. "Don't you have math homework to do?"

Callie shakes her head, her eyes suspicious wide and panicked.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Mom. I did it earlier."

"Okay." Liv leans against the doorframe and folds her arms across her chest. "So that sheet of paper on the kitchen table isn't yours? You know, the one with the first-grade math problems on?"

"Callie..." My stare is firm as she turns to look at me.

She blinks, then drops her head. "I don't understand it."

"Then ask, you silly girl." I kiss the side of her head. "I'll come and help you in a minute, okay? Let me speak to your mum a minute."

Callie nods and slinks across the room to where Liv is. She pauses next to her, then hugs her leg. "Sorry, Mom."

Liv closes her eyes and shakes her head. "It's okay. But don't tell me lies, Tiny. I'll always find out. It's a special mom power."

Callie looks up with her eyes wide. "Okay," she breathes, running into the kitchen.

"Super mum power, huh?" I get up and walk over to her.

Liv looks at me, her smile growing. "It works, all right? Last week I told Lucas that Santa can see him through the living room mirror."

I glance at the wall where the mirror is hanging. "That right, huh?" She nods, and I reach out. Grabbing her waist, I pull her in to me, and lower my face to hers. "In that case, you're not getting anything for Christmas this year."

"Really?" She runs her hands up my chest and clasps them behind my neck.

"Except maybe handcuffs and a spanking," I murmur, dropping my mouth to hers. She melds her lips against mine, and they move in a perfect harmony, they way they always have.

"Oh no. How will I cope?"

"Screaming might help." My lips make their way down her jaw to her neck. "My name, specifically."

"Seven years and he still thinks he can tell me what to do."

I slap her ass sharply. "Damn fucking right I can tell you what to do. You're my bitch, Liv. Now tell me what underwear you're wearing under that dress."

Her blue eyes flick up to mine, and a teasing smile plays on her lips. "Never," she whispers, all innocence and sweetness.

"Then I'm finding out." I drop into a crouch, and she laughs, running her fingers through my hair.


"Mmm." I push her dress up and, kissing her thigh, glance at the pale pink triangle covering her bare pussy. "My favorite."

"They're all your favorite." Her words are breathy as I kiss up her leg.

"That's because you look fucking sexy in all of them," I mumble against her skin, my mouth falling ever closer to her pussy."

"Harry... Kids..."

"Aren't right here." I ease the material away from her wetness and flick my tongue against her clit. She gasps, gripping my hair tightly, and I press an open-mouthed kiss onto her wet pussy, my tongue massaging her clit for a few short seconds. Too fucking short.


I stand up, grinning, and pull her mouth against mine. "Stay wet for me. I missed you this weekend, so I plan to fuck you until you can't breathe."

She smiles slowly, love shining in her eyes. "Don't you always?"

I sweep her into another kiss, one that conveys every ounce of love for her, one that reminds us that we beat our addictions and fought for a love that'll never break. "Always have, my beautiful, flighty bitch, and I always will."

                THE END

Author's Note: Well, I can't believe this is the end. I hope you all enjoyed this story as much as I did updating it and sharing it with all of you. I have no words to thank you all the support from the start and I hope seeing your comments in other stories I have in my profile. I cried with a lot of moments, as much as I laughed with another ones too. This story is one of my favorites and I will never get tired of it. I hope you think the same. Remember English isn't my first language and I'm so sorry if you have seen so many mistakes or typos. And, without nothing else to say, again, thank you so fucking much for all the support and reading my works. Love you all, Rachel x.

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