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You and Jotaro Kujo walked side by side together . The fluffy white clouds stood still above the both of you like paintings on a wall . Jotaro lead you to a café and pulled a chair out for you to sit down on . Soon , you both were oppositely seated at a round table outside , shaded by a huge umbrella as you hung your bag on the back of your seat and sat down . Jotaro did likewise , leaning back and folding his arms .

"So , Jotaro-" you began .

"Call me Jojo ," he said . "I'll take it from you ."

You looked at him . "Oh , okay , right . So Jojo ," you ask . "what are you studying ?"

"Marine Biology ." he answered , again plainly .

"Right , I see..." you say , not bothering to ask him anything more . He clearly wasn't the talkative type , you thought to yourself . The both of you were silent , you fiddled with your thumbs underneath the table and sort of stared at your lap . You didn't know what to say or if he even wanted to have a conversation with you .

"So , y/n ," he randomly began , taking you by surprise . "What course are you doing ?"

"I'm studying Linguistics ."

"Mm ," he simply responded , reaching into his satchel . He took out a pen and paper and scribbled something on it , before putting the paper in front of you .

After looking at it , you looked back up at Jotaro across the table . "I think I might know this type of writing... is it- wait , you can write kanji ?" you asked him , giving it back .

"I am from Japan , if that answers your question ." he pointed out dryly , pulling the paper into the pocket of his satchel . "Though," he continued , sitting up . "I'm half American and a quarter European ."

"Now that you say it , I can hear some Japanese in your accent ," you say , smiling a bit . "Though your English is pretty good ."

He looked at the table , the corners of his lips turned up into a little grin . "You think so ?"

"Yeah ."

A waiter arrived and served you each a cup of coffee . Jotaro took a long sip, subtly glancing up at you , though you didn't notice this . You blew softly on your coffee between your sips and drank quietly , not looking up .

After Jotaro had finished his drink before you , he waved service to the table .

"Do you have any cake ?"

"Yes we do !" the waiter beamed , before turning to face you . "What about you , lady ?"

You shook your head gently . Soon , the cake arrived . Jojo thanked , paid and even tipped the waiter , before leaning back with his arms crossed . He was looking at you . Eventually you picked up on him staring at you and lifted a brow to question him .

"Have it ," he told you , passing the dish in front of you .

You were taken back by the action . How... gentlemanly of him ? You weren't sure what to think but it made you beam . "Oh thank you , that's... quite kind of you , Jojo ."

The beginning - Jotaro x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now