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As the ending credits came on , you moved his arm from around you and got up and stretched your arms out .

"Getting up ?" Jojo questioned , sitting up straight .

"I mean , yeah ," you told him , standing up at the side of the bed . "Or should I stay here ?"

Jojo shrugged nonchalantly , looking back at the TV . "Do what you want ," he said , fixing a neutral expression on his face .

"Ugh , why are you like that , Jotaro !" you snapped at him . "As if I'm supposed to read your mind or something ! That really pisses me off !"

You began to walk away to the door , hurt by his nonchalance . You really loved him so so much , you didn't want to be angry at someone who made you so happy but you couldn't help it right now . You reached for the handle and opened the door when Jotaro pulled you away from the door , stopping you from going further. You struggle in futility against Jotaro not letting you leave the room until he eventually gave in to your pushing and released you suddenly .

"Yare yare daze" he sighed , laying back down .

In your blind rage , you got up from the floor and stormed over to him with an angry balled fist ready to be launched ; he easily caught you by the wrist and then dragged your arm down , making you fall on top of him .


"I-" you began , sitting upright on his lap .

"What do you want , y/n ? Mm ?" he questioned you . His gaze was focused and unwavering .

You weren't upset at him anymore .

"Kiss me" you demanded , looking into his beautiful eyes .

Jotaro pushed your back flat onto the bed , crawling on top of you , your knees by either side of his torso . He initiated a long and slow kiss for a while , your arms hugging him as you rubbed your hands up and down his back , soon pulling his shirt to his neck . Jotaro then sat up to remove it properly himself . You shoved his shirtless chest with your hand , forcing him to lay down on the bed this time .

You on top , you both continued . A while later , you gradually began to trail away slowly to the side of his face and then down the side of his neck , planting small kisses all the way down to his collarbone . In his lustful rage , Jojo's hands began to travel and before anyone knew it , he'd taken off your shorts .

"Move ,"Jotaro then told you guilefully . He then stood up and unfastened his shorts , leaving them on the floor next to the bed . Jotaro pushed you back flat on the covers of the bed and towered over you . He pulled off your vest over your head . He slowly moved his hands down from your chest to your hips , tucking a finger under the waistband of your underwear before sliding it off completely . His face flushed a light shade of pink at the sight of the woman he loved since he'd met , now all his . Jotaro began to kiss from your neck down to your stomach . You let your head drop back freely onto the pillow , your chin facing the ceiling as you slowly ran your fingers through his hair which he often kept underneath his hat . Eventually , Jotaro pulled himself away from you to sit at the edge of the bed and take of the clothes he still had on .

Crawling up to him from behind , you hugged him over his shoulders , tracing over the definitions of his torso with your soft fingertips .

"Y/n , tell me what you want" he said , his calm but demanding tone making you hug your arms around him tighter . "Answer me ."

"I want you ."

After Jotaro prised your arms from around him , he climbed back onto the bed and turned you over onto all fours . Securing his right hand on your right hip and his left hand behind your neck , Jotaro adjusted your position to his liking .


A moment later , the once Stardust Crusader began to slam in and out at what you felt like was over a hundred miles per hour . You could barely contain yourself , you'd never felt so good in your life . None of you could hear the news report airing on the TV mounted on the bedroom wall .

'A sudden power cut has lead to this afternoon's meeting , hosted by Mayor Smokey Brown , to be cancelled and rescheduled to a later date currently not confirmed ; ' the reporter said .'Prior to the incident , Brown had revealed that his plans to build a dozen new modern apartments in New York would be delivered by the real estate agency Joestar Estates , which was founded by one of America's best real estate agents Joseph Joestar .'

Time and time later , at the Joestar residence , pillows in one of the guest rooms had fallen unnoticed on the floor as you and Jotaro were still going . A small bead of sweat rolled down the side of Jotaro's face but he ignored it . He had moved you around to lay with your back flat against the covers of the bed , his hands holding your ankles next to your ears as you two did it in this new position .

Gradually , his breathing became heavier overtime . He began to slowly draw in and out and you gripped onto his back , your nails kind of digging into his back as you felt his pushes hit deeper inside each time . Jotaro lowered himself to close some of the gap between his face and yours . Jojo's dark , naturally-wavy hair was tousled and unkempt , strands of it hung in front of his face , not shielding the prepossessing daredevil look in his teal eyes . His face was red . He was biting his bottom lip and furrowing his eyebrows .

"Say my name" he ordered , moving his hands to squeeze your thighs hard as he was practically driving you senseless , his deep voice and demanding tone enough to make you do anything he told you . You dropped your head back onto the mattress and closed your eyes , moaning his name loud enough to make his own heart skip a beat . He smiled at you .

" かわいい ," Jotaro breathed .

He started to slam into you again, faster than he had before , with as much energy as he could . The bed was shaking , nothing could hold you back , not even if the world heard you . Between each breath you took , you begged for more speed , more power , and each time you asked for more he gave it to you .

Some time a while later , Jotaro stopped . "They're back," he told you , retrieving his clothes from the floor . As he re-dressed , he asked "Coming down ?"

"In a sec ," you told him , sitting yourself up . With final kiss on your lips , Jojo shortly after left the bedroom to answer the door .


"There was a power cut at the meeting ," Joseph huffed as Jotaro opened the front door for his grandparents . "What a nuisance ."

"Really ?" Jotaro asked , closing the door behind them .

"Mm," Joseph replied , taking his shoes off . "Where's y/n?"

"She's upstairs ," Jotaro told him as the three of them went into the lounge room .

"Oh , is she now ?"

"Joseph , would you like a drink ?" Suzie interrupted . "Anything for you too , Jotaro ?"

"I'll have a coffee ."

"Me too ."

"Alright , dears . Oh , and , Jotaro , did anyone deliver a parcel ?" his grandmother asked .

"Yeah , I left it in the other room . Should I get it for you now , Grandma ?"

"Oh my , thank you so much , yes ! You're such a good boy !"

'Good boy ?' Joseph thought to himself , smirking . 'God , Suzie , are you blind ? Those hickeys on his neck say otherwise ' .

The beginning - Jotaro x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now