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Pouring the now cool chocolate mixture over the mousse , you heard the kitchen door open and took out a headphone as you turned to see Jotaro idly leaning against the inner vertical edge of the door frame , folding his arms as he looked at you with semi curious eyes .

"Just baking ," you informed him warmly , starting to break a bar of chocolate into chunks .

"My mother baked a lot when I was growing up . " he mentioned, standing next to you to watch you bake more closely.

"Hm ."

You had an idea .

"How about I shape these things into stars once I bake them ?" you smiled , shaking the sieve from side to side to cover the top of the eggy chocolate mixture with an even layer of the cocoa-flour combo . You saw Jotaro's eyes widen when you suggested the star idea . He watched observantly as you continued ; after a lot more mixing , you now had two tins of ready-to-be-baked brownie mix sitting on the counter desk . You moved with intention to to turn on the oven when Jotaro stood in front of you obstructively.

"What do you want ?" you asked him , a little annoyed .

"Let me do it ," he offered calmly , opening the oven .

"Oh , sure" you nodded , watching as Jotaro put on his grandmother's pair of oven gloves and said "pass those ".

After he'd put the tins in the oven , you sighed in relief and wiped your forehead with the back of your hand . "All that mixing and shaking was a work out ."

"How long do they need to be in there for ?"

It took you a moment to remember how long they needed to bake for . "Twenty five minutes or so ."

He sighed , leaving the kitchen , returning in half a hour to see you cutting the large brownies into small-ish stars , all their edges neat and sharp .

"Those look good ," he complimented , approaching the work surface . Jojo put a hand on your shoulder . "I didn't know you like baking"

"I do it every now and again," you told him as you put the shapes into a container and placed them in a space in the fridge . You began moving the used cooking utensils to the sink ; just as you proceeded to wash up , Jotaro moved to stand behind you , putting a hand on the countertop on each side of you , boxing you in . You turned around .

Mistake .

Now your face was on his chest and you had no way of getting out . Jojo moved in closer , forcing you to slightly bend over backwards onto the countertop . You tried to prise the big man off of you , pushing against his chest  , but he didn't give in . You gave up . At this point you were practically underneath him .

"Jojo , let me go ."

"No . I love you . I want you to know that ."

You honestly didn't know what to say to Jotaro , you only stared at him , your eyes giving away your surprise . He planted a small but loving kiss on your forehead and turned around , leaving the room .


Not long later , you were alone relaxing in your and Jotaro's room upstairs watching television contently. It had been over 2 hours since Mr and Mrs Joestar left for their meeting . Laying above the covers , you gazed up at the wall mounted TV and engaged attentively with the movie you were watching . Ten or fifteen minutes into the movie , Jotaro also came into the room .

"This movie's good ," you told him , patting at the space next to you on the bed . On this cue , Jojo laid beside you , putting his arm around your shoulder as you moved to sit closer .

You didn't want this exact moment to end ; you loved when the two of you spent time together closely .

The beginning - Jotaro x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now