Chapter One

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Authors Note: Sorry It took so long for me to put this up. I'm a very busy bee! Lol but really; I'm sorry cause you that want to read it had to wait forever just because I get lazy when I'm not busy!
Well here! It's the First Chapter! Hope you all love it!~

I gasped loudly, bolting up out of my bed into a siting position, my legs folded, breathing hard, and rubbing my eyes. It was happening again. The nightmares. I believe it was the horrors of my 'so-called' past.

Wait-I haven't introduced myself, now have I? I'm Oliver Mason Kenta, just call me Oliver. I'm a sixteen year old blonde male with blue-green eyes, like a mixture of the sea and spring grass, I'm sorta tall but short compared to people I've seen. I have a twin sister named 'Olivia Michelle Kenta', we are identical except for our genders.

Now, what I meant by 'Nightmares' is I keep having dreams of a brown-haired lady with harsh green eyes, and a man with blonde hair and blue eyes, kinda like Mine and Olivia's eye colors.

The Lady is trying to get to us, she has a knife in her hand and the male is in the way, I'm guessing he's begging her to leave us alone. She stabs him with the knife then snatches Olivia and I up.

Around that point I wake up the way I just did, scared and startled. I don't know why, but I feel as though the male was my father and the female was my mother. I couldn't really make out the features but the hair and the eyes. I don't see why my 'Mother' would kill my 'Father' though. I ran a hand through my blonde locks, checking the time on the clock.

'6:18AM' I said in my head, then going back to my previous thoughts. This dream thing is bad, I mean, if someone finds out who knows what will happen? I have a-----

"OLIVER! Wake up honey!" I heard my 'mom' shout.

"Ugh." I mumbled to myself, leaving my room with a black shirt and red sleep pants on. I hated my 'So-Called' life. I get told everything, and it is demanded.

I've heard stories about this place, well not all of it, but that it was 'free' and that it's citizens had a little something called 'freedom'. The people who spout that knowledge always goes to the Behavioral place because people say they've gone crazy and that it's bad to talk about that because we are already 'free'.

To tell the truth, I don't believe we are free either. I was planning to become apart of the "People Are The Nation" group. They are the ones who believe our lives aren't right. I just hope this goes wel----

"OLIVER! COME HERE!!" My mom called again as I slowly walked down the stairs.

'Gez!' I thought and rubbed my eyes again.

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