Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Andrea's P.O.V

After spending some time with Jake's mom and getting to know her, I have come to the conclusion that she is a wonderful woman. She didn't once ask or comment about my blindness. I wouldn't have minded if she did but it was nice not to have to answer questions. She said that Jake and I can hang out in his room for a little while until it's lunchtime so that's what we're doing.

"So, what do you want to do?" Jake asks.

"Can we just lay on your bed?"

"Yeah, we can do that."

I feel Jake take my hands and pull me towards his bed. He stops moving and tugs my hands so that he's hugging me and sits down, with me straddling his waist.

"You're so beautiful," Jake whispers.

"So are you."

"You cant see me though."

"I don't need to see you to know that you're beautiful," I say.

Jake doesn't respond but that's okay. He doesn't need to.

"Jake?" I say while lifting my hands to the sides of his face.


"Can I touch you? So I know what you might look?"

"You want to feel me up?" Jake says while chuckling.

I laugh too and say, "No, not like that. I want to feel you so I know everything about what you look like."

"Yeah, I guess you can."

"Okay. You need to lie down though."

"Okay." Jake turns so his feet go a different direction and lies down. I stay straddling his hips but I'm bent over so my hands are on his shoulders.

I start at his face. It is smoother than the first time I touched his face. I move down to his neck and feel him swallow. Jake moves his arms and places his hands on my hips. I move my hands down to his chest and down to his stomach. I can feel the muscle underneath his shirt move from me putting my hands there. His stomach is firm but not overly hard. My hands move to the edge of his shirt and I hear Jake suck in a breath.

"Is this okay?" I ask.

"Yeah," he gasps out.

I push my hands under his shirt to feel his stomach. Jake squeezes my hips when I do that. I can feel the indents of abs that aren't quite there yet. He lets out a shuddering breath as his hands continue to squeeze. I push my hands up his stomach to his chest, bringing Jake's shirt with me.

I can feel the way his muscles constrict under the touch of my hand. Just the touch of my hand can have such and affect on him. His hands move up my side and to my back and pulls me down. I can feel the warmth of his breath hit my face when we get closer. My lips part in anticipation for what's to come. I move my face even closer to Jakes but still not close enough.

" Lunch is ready!"

Jake exhales a breath of air in frustration. I sit up and get of of him and sit on the edge of the bed. Jake grabs my hand and pulls me with him off of the bed. He sighs again and pulls me towards the door.

"You have nice abs Jake."

He lets out a laugh and opens the door.

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