Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"What's your favorite color?" Jake asked.

"Orange. Like the fruit."

Jake and I are sitting in the sand close to the water soaking in the sun and asking each other questions. He's asked me stupid things like what's my favorite food and now favorite color.

"What's yours?"

"Green. Like grass."

I smiled and tried to remember the look of grass from when I was younger.

"How long have you been blind?" Jake asks, cautiously almost.

"I've been blind for three years." I reply, thinking of how it happened.

"What happened?"

I move my body so I'm facing the direction his voice is coming from and think of how I'm going to start.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Jake rushes in before I could start.

"No it's ok. You told me about your parents so I'm going to tell you what happened." I told him smiling. "I was fourteen and getting ready to go into high school. I was so excited to go that I had my mom come with me to get new clothes for the new year. On our way to the mall, it started to rain. I love the rain so I rolled my window down so I could hear it fall. Then all of a sudden my mom slams on her brakes because someone pulled out in front of her with not enough space between our car and the one in front of us. She tried to swerve out of the way but it ended up with us flipping and crashing into another car. The last thing I saw was the rain coming down before something hit my head and I was out. I woke up a week later to complete darkness and the sound of beeping in the hospital. When the doctor explained what happened, he said that my corneas suffered so much trauma that they were unfixable. I didn't go to the high school that I wanted to. Instead, I went to one that helps people who are blind. Then I got Edger here and moved, and met you." I finish my story with a smile towards Jake.

"How do you do it?"

"Do what?"

"How do you stay so positive when so much has been taken away from you. You became blind and had to learn skills that would help you. How do you keep that beautiful smile on your lips all the time?"

I try not to blush at his comment but give him an even bigger smile than before. "I just remember that I have it lucky. I remember that others have it worse than me." I feel Jakes hands envelope mine and pull me forward into his chest for a hug.

"Your the most good person I have ever known." I smile into his chest and wind my arms around his neck to pull me up to his ear so he can hear me.

"You're a good person, too." I squeeze him tighter to show him I'm telling the truth and burry my head in his neck. I can feel him smile at my words into my own neck.

"Thank you." His worm breath against my skin brings goose bumps and a shudder. I've never been so close to a boy before.

"You're welcome." Jake seems to have the same reaction from my breath on his neck from the way his body vibrates with movement.

"Now," Jake says pulling away from me, but still holding on. "do you want to go into the water with me?"


I'd go anywhere with you.

I know it's only the third chapter but thank you for reading my story! Please tell me what you think and if you want anything to happen in the book, I will do what I can. Thank you so much!

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