This is Your Fault!

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CREDIT: @kindawannaskate for editing this work and the artist for the cover!

Tokoyami had always been an early riser, to which Katsuki had always said to him, 'early bird gets the worm' to tease him but he doesn't mind it. The bird jokes were getting better and he responded to them with something of his own, that being 'but the second mouse gets the cheese.' Seeing Katsukis stare that day had brought a laugh to him, only having it grow when Katsuki caught onto what the meaning behind it was.

He was getting fond of his classmates and was putting himself out there, even though he liked his quiet time on most days. Today was no different since the previous night was full of loud talking and 'partying' since Class-B had come to their dormitories to hang out and catch up so Tokoyami was up and rising before the sun did itself and he was sitting at the stairs in front of the dorm doors eating on an apple from the fridge and enjoying the morning breeze.

That was until he heard barking.

Tokoyami paused and had to think for a moment to himself about, who in the hell brought a dog to the UA campus? And why is it being so loud this early in the morning? UA had rules, yes, and Tokoyami doesn't necessarily question why an animal is being kept considering they, or more specifically, koda, owned a bunny that often pranced around the dorms. But dogs?



There's more than one? Tokoyami listened in and sure enough, there were two sets of barks, one louder than the other, and were becoming closer and closer as well as snarls, growls, and paws hitting the floor with nails scratching against the concrete. Tokoyami rose from his seat after he noticed that the two in question were actually running towards him and he took a moment to summon dark shadow and come to shield him, his apple bitten into as he held it in his mouth.

The two dogs were not dogs. At all. They were too big for them to be so and it took a moment to realize that they were wolves. How did wolves get in?.

Tokoyami braced himself, ready to shoot commands at his quirk, but one of the wolves actually slowed down a little and started... prancing? His way over. His tail wagged and bounced with each step and held high with something dangling from his neck too. The other one did slow down from it's sprint as well when it was nearing the building but it was still pretty fast and a dark shadow looked back at him for instructions.

"Hold," Tokoyami spoke and dark shadow made a noise of confirm before going on his side and watching at the large beast stood in front of him, tail low but not tucked, ears high as his head and fluffed chest perked as it stood and gave out a bark at Tokoyami. Before long, the other had also made its way over and went a little closer to tokoyami and sat down, it's tongue out and mouth hanging open as it painted.

The two were similar in build but the behaviour was different. The one that came here first, standing tall and proud on all fours held a dangerous aura around his messy and fuzzed up furr while the other seemed more friendly with way too much fur on his whole being but having it much much darker then the other.

Tokoyami didn't know what to do with them before he noticed the thing hanging from the darker one's neck and he reached for it, testing the waters, and the large dog did nothing but pant happily so he grabbed it and tugged it off easily and inspected it.

It had words.

Well, it was more of a message and he decided to read it out loud, glancing at the two dogs before doing so.

"I bid good morning to whomever is reading this but I also apologize for this disaster. I don't know if you could tell, but these two, if they're still together, are Bakugou-shounen and Midoriya-shounen. As you can see they have had a run-in and have been hit with a quirk and the only thing that brings them back is giving them time. Please take good care of them.

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