Meet the crew

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David was led away from his parents, tears stinging his eyes as he looked at back at them through the window in the door.

He kept his eyes down the entire walk. He felt eyes on him as other groups passed, but he scrunched his shoulders up and pulled the brown sweater he was wearing over his arms.

The nurse led him through the hallways, passing the mess hall, gym, and art room, before turning into another set of double doors that led him into his group's common area. The nurse had him wait in front of the group room where the other's were as they grabbed another nurse.

He peered into the room, meeting the eyes of two of the other patients. One was a girl with light brown skin and reddish brown hair tied up in a ponytail. She wore a pair of brown sweatpants and a green t-shirt. The other was a boy with fair skin and olive colored hair. He wore a purple flannel over a yellow shirt, with a pair of shorts. Both were wearing socks, with two pairs of Vans next to them that he assumed belonged to them. They stared at him for a few more seconds before returning to what looked like poker, but with snacks in the middle instead of poker chips.

"David. Come this way, please," One of the nurses directed, motioning for David to follow.

They led him to a small room where they instructed him to get into a hospital gown so they could check him for where his scars were (They were everywhere) and for hidden razor blades (there were none) before telling him he could put his clothes back on and go into the group room with the others.

He had just gotten in the room when one of the techs clapped her hands. "Alright, everyone in a seat please!" She said with way too much enthusiasm.

David was about to sit in a seat near the door when the two kids from earlier waved them over. "Psst, New Kid. Over here." The boy said, patting the seat next to him. He quikly went over and took a seat.

"Thanks," He whispered.

"No problem," The kid whispered back.

"Alrighty, we have a new patient with us, why don't we start introducing ourselves? Jasper, would you like to start?" She asked.

The boy next to him-Jasper- turned to look at David. "Hi, I'm Jasper. I'm fifteen years young. And I'm here cos I tried to run into traffic, like, three separate times. I, uh, also like to gamble snacks with Gwen here."

"Who's next? Gwen? Then Preston can go," The tech said, sitting down.

"I'm Gwen," The girl next to Jasper said. "I'm sixteen years old. I'm here cos I had a really bad day, causing me to try to off myself. I also enjoy gambling snacks with Jasper, and I write fanfiction."

"Appropriate, I hope," The tech noted.

"Sure. Go ahead Pres,"

And so it went, each kid saying their name, age, why they were there, and another fact about them. David tried to remember all the names, but he couldn't.

He was the last person to say something. "Uh, I'm David. I-I'm fifteen, and I'm here cos I got caught self-harming at school," He saw Jasper wince and shake his head. "I like the outdoors."

The tech smiled. "Welcome, David. I'm Darla, the MHT for right now. Anyway, now that we're all introduced, why don't we all start with our group today on things we are grateful for?"

Darla handed one of the others- Dolph, was it?- A small bundle of papers to hand out. On it was the words, "My Gratitude Journal" and a box with lines that he was supposed to write on. Dolph came back around with pencils.


David was relieved when the group was over. He looked over at Jasper and Gwen, who was pulling out a deck of cards.

Jasper slid onto the floor before looking over at David. "Wanna play?"

"I-I don't know how to play poker-" David said, fidgeting with the sleeves of his jacket.

Gwen shuffled the cards, before looking over at David and smiling. David hadn't noticed, but she had pink braces. "We're not playing poker this time. Jasp keeps getting mad when I win. We're playing Spades this time. I'll teach you how to play."

David sat on the floor in between Jasper and Gwen, watching her deal out cards.

Jasper looked him up and down. "So, school caught ya cutting?"

David looked at his shoes awkwardly. "Yeah."

"Don't worry, man. We've all made that mistake. I tried to dr. leg from my P.E. class to the middle of the street once. Gwen here had a panic attack in the middle of lunch and got caught drinking bleach in the janitor's closet."

Gwen nodded, putting the cards down. "Yup."

"Alright, so let me see your cards, David." Gwen said, peering over at David's cards.

David scooted closer so she could see.

He hated it here, but maybe it wouldn't be that bad.


*gasp* wHAT A NEW FANFICTION?! Yes, my friends, I have given you new content.

Now, some of the stuff here sounds sus, but I promise you that I have gone to many hospitals and this is what it's like. (except Jasper and Gwen being able to room together,,,, That shouldn't be allowed.)

Camera rooms are a thing for high-risk patients! Trust me, I was in one.

Changing is done behind a curtain if you're getting checked! If you're changing after a shower, it is done in the bathroom.

They are at a long term facility.

Enjoy, please! Comments and votes appreciated.

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