Chapter 7

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 Kat sighed as she stretched out in her bed, getting comfortable. She looked out her window with a slight smile. Her father had been true to his word and had the tree cut down the very next day. She made sure the lock was engaged before she lay down.

Try as she might to find a brief reprieve in sleep, her brain wouldn't shut off. Her mind kept drifting back to Dominic and how surprisingly relaxed and safe she felt when she was with him. Aside from her father and brother, he was the only man who did not come across as threatening to her warped psyche. She tried to view him as she viewed other men, but he didn't seem to fit into that picture. Sometimes she doubted herself and her opinion of him. Randall had seemed nice at first as well. I only talked to Randall for a few minutes. That told me absolutely nothing about him. His actions showed me so much more.

Her thoughts drifted to Dominic meeting her at her locker after every period to hold her books and walk her to her next class. He was always so polite and such a gentleman. He had an amazing lazy smile that would slowly spread over his luscious lips as he sat across from her and Jodie at the lunch table or leaned against her locker waiting for her to change books. The way he watched her was almost sensual in itself.

It astonished her that she would often catch herself day dreaming about his smile or his strong hands. They scared her, these feelings. She was so confused half the time she couldn't think straight. Even in her confusion though, Dominic's actions were proving him to be the gentle man he first presented himself to be.

Katrina smiled as she turned over with thoughts of him still running rampant through her mind. It was the first peaceful sleep she'd had since the rape.

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