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Its been a tough few months with learning to defend myself, school and being a wife and Sanele making me executive in everything he owns meaning helping him attend meetings if he has double booked himself but now here i am on a back seat of a car. Going to an unknown place with my heart beating so fast. Am I being kidnapped and if so how long will it take my husband who is in Cape Town on business to find me. I sat there silently playing with the chain he gave me on the beginning of us dating and his words kept on echoing in my eyes never take it off and ill find you anywhere on the face of this planet.

Thabo bursted in with red eyes in my meeting and i knew that things were bad at home.
Thabo: she is missing
Me:How long ago?
Thabo: 30 minute.
Me: call Sam to start tracking her chain and get my helicopter. I need to go home.
Thabo: Sure case.

They sat me down in a room not lighten enough.
Guy: Hi. I told myself, keep calm and just breathe don't let them see that you are affected.
Me: Hi
Guy: Buyisani Khoza
Me: I guess you know who I am or we wouldn't be here. He nodded and he sat across from me.
Buyisani: So tell me about yourself.
Me: Ill like to call a lawyer if this is an interrogation. He sat back.
Buyisani: Its not.
Me: Than if it not what do you call it? I have no idea why i was being spicy but i felt like i needed too.
Buyisani: two friends catching up.
Me: Than i guess am done with my visiting. Can you take me home please. He looked at me and relaxed into his chair.
Me: let me give you a little friendly advice. In less than an hour my Husband and his bull dogs will be here and you would have wished you obtained a warrant or better yet tried being nicer come at me during the day, knock and let me offer you tea than ask whatever you want to ask than just barging in at the middle of the night grabbing me and dragging me all the way here. Now if am not arrested and you have no warrants. Send me home and wait another ten minute for my husband to fetch me.
Buyisani: maam you not at a regular police station, he will have no idea where you are. Now...
Me: Am I still in earth? If this is still earth than rest assured he will find me. I crossed my hand and sat.

Agent khoza
I looked at her and the assurance she has that he will find her. Just than my HOD came pissed and red. He signalled for me i got up and went to him.
H.O.D: now tell me why i have Sanele Mkhize and his lawyer sister in my office right now demanding a release of his wife, who according to the house footage looks like she being attacked? I was quiet.
H.O.D: Buyisani
Me: Am sorry am just too close.
H.O.D: just let her go and pray she doesn't press charges. I walked up to where i was planning to investigate her and she looked at me with her angelic eyes.
Me: You free to go.
Rainbow: next time just knock. She got up and left to the arms of the most scariest guy iv seen in my life. The look he gave me gave out chills to my bones.

I felt my heart give a little thud of happiness when I had her in my hands.
Me: You okay
Rainbow: You found me. I touched her chain.
Me: always. The drive home was quiet. We got home and she took a shower than changed into her night dress and ughs. She looked pissed and am not understanding why? She went to the kitchen poured herself some warm water drank it and walked to the bedroom.she got in bed and never looked at me. Just got in bed and switched off the side lamp and slept. I stood there for a while thinking to myself what have I done wrong now? What did they say to her? What is she thinking? I changed got in bed. I snuggled her closer to me and she allowed me that reassured me a bit that she not that angry at me.
Me: am sorry. There was silence.
Rainbow: You need to dig and find out who exactly killed that girl. If its you, your friend or Thabo because that agent is adamant about finding out what happened that day and he is getting close. I nodded and kissed her forehead as we dozed off...

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