Introductions and First Trial?!

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     The three girls made it to an area with two cabins, one for girls, one for guys. Meg led them to the girl's cabin, they walked in and saw a bunch of female survivors chatting away and lounging around.
   "Guys! The new survivors are here!" Meg exclaimed, doing a little hand motion directed towards Jaidan and Hannah.
   "They're so much prettier than I expected!" Kate said excitedly.
  "I LOVE both of your outfits!" Jane said sweetly.
  "You two should pair up with me and we can gen rush the killer!" Nea said mischievously.
"Alright everyone chill!" Meg said. "Let them settle in alright?"
"Okay..." Everyone replied in unison.
"Alright now time for introductions!" Meg said sweetly.
Introductions were done with all the survivors including the guys. Suddenly, a small cloud of fog swept around Jaidan and Hannah.
"Your first match! And you two are together! Good Luck guys!!" Meg shouted. The rest of the girls cheering them on as the were warped into a very snowy map, with a ski lodge in the center, named Mount Ormond. The four survivors spawned together, they spawned in with Ace and Dwight.
"Hey the newbies are here!" Ace said. "We'll lead ya through the trial and show ya how it all works, don't fret now."
"Yeah..." Dwight said, he then eyed a nearby locker.
"Dwight! Don't cha do it!" Ace scolded. Dwight ran for the locker, hopping in it. Ace sighed in annoyance.
"Those are hiding spots, but Dwight likes to be a coward and hide in there all trial, which is NOT a good strategy, ANYWAYS, follow me you two, this gen over here." he said gesturing to a four person generator nearby. The three of them went to the gen and started to mess with it.
"Just like that! You guys are getting it already!" Ace said happily as the gen popped.
"That didn't seem too hard!" Jaidan said in relief.
"Agreed." Hannah added. Suddenly, everyone's heart beat increased, very loudly and heard Dwight scream. They looked over to the locker he was in to see him being pulled out by a man with a yellow trench coat, no shirt despite the cold atmosphere, magenta pants with thin stripes, lavender slick back hair, and armed with a bat with a blade attached. He lifted Dwight over his shoulder and carried him to a hook, piercing Dwight's chest with the meathook, causing him to scream in pain.
"Hide behind these rocks! If he comes this way, scatter and do not look back!" Ace said as he ran over to the rocks, the two girls following him, the three crouched behind them. The killer looked around with his glowing yellow eyes, piercing the atmosphere.
"Damn, it's the Trickster." Ace mumbled.
"That's what you all call him?" Hannah questioned.
"Yeah...i don't know his real name and i damn sure don't care enough to know it." Ace replied. Suddenly, Ace was being pierced by blades being lodged into his back.
"GIRLS...RUN!" Ace managed to get out as he ran away. Everyone scattering, Jaidan and Hannah went to get Dwight off of the hook.
"Do a fucking generator or pay for it at the camp." Jaidan said sternly. Dwight reacted as she wanted him to, running to the closest generator to him and quickly working on it, Hannah going to join him to get it done faster. Jaidan went to the main building generator to put progress on it. Suddenly, Ace's scream was heard in the distance, he was downed. Everyone looked over, and what happened next was horrifying. Ace tried to get away, but the Trickster started throwing blades into his body excessively, throwing the last one into his skull, making him drop back to the ground, The Trickster threw one last blade into the air, taking out an autographed photo of himself and throwing it onto Ace's body, the blade coming down and lodging the image into Ace. He was dead already. Fear struck the last three as the Trickster continued searching for them.
Would they make it out alive?

Dead by Daylight AU (for me and my bsf!!)Where stories live. Discover now