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bad bitch energy.    )

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A bright shade of blue clashed with a dark hazel color of eyes. Yoda stared deeply into the other girl's soul, she doing the same to him. He was trying to figure out if he should train her or not due to how old she is and Carmen was just trying not to freak out by how much eye contact was being exchanged.

He could definitely read her mind, but what she didn't know, was that he tried not to. It wasn't hard to tell what she was thinking, so there wasn't a point to do it. "Lot on your mind, you have."

Carmen looked away from him so she could take a deep breath. She watched the cars, or whatever their real name is, drive by through the large window in the room as she thought about what she wanted to bring up first. "Well, firstly, I'd like to know if I'm to be trained as a Jedi? It doesn't matter if I do or not, but a little bit of training in the fighting field would be best. Just incase I run into some trouble."

"A Jedi, do you want to become? Up to you, it is." Yoda didn't glance away from her as he realized it would be best that she decided what she wanted. He was slowly starting to figure out how wrong it is to force someone to do something, the blonde in front of him the cause of this.

"If I am to become one, I'd like to speak about the code first. It's not something that should be enforced. If I'm being honest, I think the code is a load of crap. The Jedi not being able to feel emotions is just terrible. Everyone needs to feel them, that's what being human is. Emotions are scary at times, yes, but I believe in the end, it triumphs." Carmen had a lot more to say and she hoped the older green man didn't care.

"I think mourning the loss of a loved one is good. It helps you move on in the end. How do you expect someone to just hold the emotions in? That is just leading them to the dark side, bottling it all up. And how can Jedi not be able to love? Love is what helps people. Yes, it can cause you to go crazy sometimes, but it's the best feeling in the world. I am sure there are many Jedi who have fallen in love, but have decided to keep it a secret from you and that secret could tear them up from the inside out. Have you ever thought about that? My father was one of them and you didn't seem to care that he was."

Yoda blinked, trying to take in every piece of information she was giving him about her thoughts. He loved how she could be so open and actually talk to him about stuff.

"What I'm mainly trying to get at is when I was watching this happen on the television, everything about the code was what brought upon Anakin's downfall. Had the Jedi, and yourself, been frank with him about the dark side, he might not have had to seek out its powers in secret. Had you all been understanding about his relationship with Padme, he might not have been driven to find a way to stop her from dying. Had Anakin been allowed to love, and process the grief of his mother's death, he might truly have become the Chosen One, the greatest Jedi of all time, and the one to bring balance to the Force. I was brought here to help him from falling and even save all of your lives, but how can I possibly do that with the code standing in my way?"

Yoda hummed, realizing she had made very good points in her argument. "Good points, you have made. Further argument do you have?"

Carmen shook her head, "Not at the moment, but I will definitely be coming to you more to explore other things. Now that I have that out of the way, can I think about what I want? I also think it'd be best that you fix everything about the code." She gave him a hug before getting up, but she stops in her steps and turns towards him again. "Oh, I have one more thing to tell you. Anakin and I like each other very much. And I don't give a damn what you or anyone else thinks about it."

As she walked out of the room, she felt as if it was all in slow motion. Like her hair was whipping back. She honestly felt like a bad bitch for sticking up to him. No one else could do it, so why not try it. Now she was gonna go check up on the two men she loved the most.

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