Chapter 1: Too Many Visitors

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6:24pm: '6 more kriffing minutes' you thought to yourself as you looked at your datapad. Ever since you left your home to work for the first order your life had been completely different. You went from selling spice to the locals at the cantina where you lived in Tatooine to becoming a first order counselling commander under the command of General Armitage Hux, or as he described your job "the troopers shrink". You didn't have any training before taking the job, you were just a good listener which turned around to bite you in the ass. But now as you made your way around to the last bunker on the Finalizer to check in with the storm troopers you realized how boring your job really was.

6:26pm: general Hux: "please come to my office before clocking out"

'for kriffs sake' you said to yourself, on top of having to listen to the storm troopers whine about their issues you have to listen to Hux too, usually once a week he would use you as his own therapist, maybe even flirt with you a little and brag about his success.

As you walked into Hux's office he was sitting and looking through some books, he looked up at your with his snarky looking face, his blue eyes and red hair always caught your attention, not in a 'wow he's handsome' type of way but in a 'not this again' type of way.

"ah yes, right on time as usual" he said with a half-smile. "we never set a time but that always seems to be your greeting General" you replied as kindly as you could, "is there something I can help you with?" you added wanting to get this conversation over with as quickly as you can. Your bottle of Moscato has been waiting in the fridge in your quarters for you since it was given to you as a gift from a trooper two days ago.

Friday nights after work were always your favourite time to relax and watch some soapy romantic comedies in the bath with a glass of wine, your favourite activity of the week if you were being completely honest with yourself.

"well, yes there is something I was hoping to talk to you about, of course this is a private matter like usual so I would hope you would keep it to yourself" Hux said, his half smile beginning to fade as he noticed you were caught up in your own thoughts. "of course, General, I always approach all conversations professionally" you replied, your answer was true, you didn't have anyone to gossip too anyways.

"Have a seat, please" he said pointing to the chair across from him at his desk. You obliged, taking a seat while smoothing down your uniform and crossing your right leg over your left. "I'll try to make this short" Hux began "recently I have been noticing an issue with one of the other employees on this ship, we seem to butt heads a little and his arrogance seems to set me off" Hux began turning a shade of red as he began speaking 'this dude must really set him off' you thought to yourself.

"I'm just not quite sure what I can do to rid him of my thoughts, It feels like he's in my head picking and ripping my brain apart to use my hatred towards him against me" he continued, you took note of the way he was clenching his fists and cracking his knuckles, this clearly was an issue for him. You almost began to empathize for him, he has a lot of responsibilities here and he must be very stressed you thought, but when you looked up at him your noticed he was staring directly at your chest which was covered by your uniform 'typical' you muttered in your head.

"Is there a way to rid this vermin from my thoughts?." Hux finished his rant.

"I'm very sorry to hear that an individual has been causing you this much distress General, sometimes people just cause us anger and we are not sure why. Maybe you could try having a conversation with this person about the situation to bring yourself some inner peace? If that is not an option then maybe you should take a couple of days off and do something you enjoy, I can tell this topic is very upsetting for you and lets both be honest, you work so hard, and you could use a vacation" you said as you looked up at him and batted your lashes. Maybe suggesting a "patient" to avoid the situation and to basically just run away from it wasn't the best idea but having Hux go on vacation would make your job a lot easier. What you were suggesting was not a professional decision and definitely not the best way to handle the situation, but Hux wasn't a great man, and this was the perfect opportunity for your own gain.

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