Chapter 4: Whiplash

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10:06pm- Vicrul: "wellll I tried to help but you fucked up shrink, were coming"

"SHIT" you yelled, "what's wrong?" Trevor asked you, he was clearly concerned. "you guys need to leave or hide or I don't know I'm so fucked" You said with distress as you ran your fingers through your hair. You and the guys quickly began cleaning up the cups and making your quarters seem like no one was over, they weren't sure what was going on, but they knew it was bad.

"Okay go hang out in my bedroom and lock the door behind you, take your shoes with you and just stay quiet, the Supreme Leader is going to be here any minute and I don't know what's up his ass but clearly he is pissed off" you said frantically as you finished off the glass of wine that was sitting by the couch. 

Within seconds of you sitting down and the guys hiding in your room Kylo and Vicrul burst into your quarters and made their way over to you, Kylo slammed the door by using the force and stood in front of you staring at your through his mask.

"I'm so sorry Kylo I fell asleep while watching a movie and my datapad was in the kitchen I couldn't hear it" you pleaded in the most convincing voice possible. "it's Supreme Leader and I don't give a shit what you were doing, when you are contacted by a higher up you are expected to answer" he raised his voice through the synthesizer.

"I'm sorry supreme leader it won't happen again" you said as you looked down to your hands and began cracking your knuckles due to the anxiety creeping over you. "sorry doesn't fix ignorance, I should punish you right now, maybe that will help you realize how stupid you really are." Kylo responded.

"Vicrul and I could both rip through your brain and leave you in a blubbering puddle on the floor is that what you would like? I can take control of your every sense leaving you with only pain" Kylo said as he stepped closer to you and wrapped his hand around your throat crushing your air way.

"Supreme Leader please" you squeaked out as you looked up at him with watering eyes, for a second Kylo felt bad, he didn't want to ignore you the last few days, but he couldn't focus with you around, you were a constant distraction, you entered his every thought as he did yours.

Kylo took you by your throat and guided you onto your knees in front of him before letting go, "show me how sorry you are" he said as he stood up looking down at you. "Beg me to forgive you" he finished as he placed both hands behind his back. 

You looked up at him, slightly pushing your cleavage together to give him a better view knowing it would help you "please forgive me Supreme Leader" you pleaded with puppy dog eyes and a pout. "Please don't punish me I will be good and it won't happen again I promise" your eyes began to water, you could sense he was more angry then playful and the last thing you wanted to do was upset him further.

When Kylo saw your eyes watering guilt struck him, his heart felt heavy, he was really throwing you through a loop. He was proud of you for standing up to Phasma as much as it complicated the current plans, it turned him on seeing you in power of his fellow 'allies'.

 Kylo took off his helmet and placed it on the coffee table, he grabbed your face with one hand and pried your mouth open, he spat into your mouth as he looked into your eyes "swallow like a good girl" he told you, his voice low and deep.

You swallowed it and opened your mouth to show him, you could feel warmth spreading between your thighs, you would've rathered swallowing something else but remembering the audience you currently had in your bedroom you thought that escalating the situation wasn't a good idea.

Guilty Glorification (Kyloxreader)Where stories live. Discover now